baby blues

34 5 16

My baby brother said that he would stop my dad the next time he does something.

I'mma quote it

Me (to my eldest sister who wasn't listening) : He splashed the water from the kettle all over me

Baby: i stop Daddy next time

Me: You'll stop him? Oh that breaks my heart

Baby: Yea, I'mma say Daddy go to work and leave in car

(he doesn't make sense sometimes)

Me: You'll tell him to stay in work?

Baby: Yea, I'll stop Daddy from messing with water

Me: Thank you baby

Baby: Daddy was being naughty

At this point I was crying. It's really sad to me, idk why.

My brothers are annoying asf but I can say I will commit murder for them. If it has to be my dad, so be it

just kidding, i love my dad too. Just not all the time.

edit 4/5/20: baby bro tried confronting my dad about it🤣🤣 he was like oh you threw water on __? no
yo I love him

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