Special 1: A Different Perspective

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This is chapter five from Grian's perspective. I might do these specials from his perspective every now and then. Let me know if you like it, or if I should just stick to Mumbo's perspective.

"So then we use an observer here..."

"Mm hmm" Grian nodded, chewing on his lower lip. He had no idea what an observer was or why you would use it to play music, but he was too transfixed by the glittering red dust that hung in the air to interrupt. Wait was Mumbo still talking?

"... finished product!"

Grian flinched slightly as the machine materialized and landed with a thud on the table.


How could such a beautiful contraption be made so easily?

He looked up and noticed Mumbo's nervous expression, making Grian smother his smirk.

He thinks I don't like it. Better throw the poor guy a bone.

"I don't really understand anything you just did, but that's really cool!"

He didn't miss the way Mumbo ducked his head to try and cover the blush spreading across his face.

He must not get many complements.

"Do you want to see how it works?"


Cool it Grian schooled himself. He crossed his arms and gave a simple nod.

The effect was immediately broken when Mumbo began to turn the crank and the circle in the middle started moving. Moving! Grian's jaw dropped slightly and he leaned forward to get a closer look, waiting for the music. However the only sound he could hear was a light crackling from what he assumed to be the speakers.

"I thought you said it played music"

"It-it does" Mumbo said, letting go of the crank. "But you need a record disk for that"

Excuse me?

"A record...?"

Mumbo grinned and waved his hand in the air.

"You'll see. Stress will send down the plans once I finished my business down here"


Is that a God? Grian could have sworn that he knew every God. Even if he wasn't supposed to be up in the heavens, he always snuck up when there was a new ascension so he could update his record. But it's possible he could have missed one on accident...

"You don't know Stress?" Mumbo seemed surprised. "The God of Music?"

"Oh Music?! No way! I haven't seen her in-" he pressed his lips together before the number could fall from his lips. This is why you don't get excited. "A long time. Stress huh? I didn't know she took on a chosen name"

And Stress doesn't really suit such a kind optimistic person. Although maybe that's the point. She did always like to play with words and-

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