More crack? Yes please. #2

620 31 23

No one asked for more but I made more
A continuation of the first chapter
I'll eventually be creative and make actual titles for these chapters
Anyway enjoy uwu
(Y/N) - your name
(H/C) - hair color
(F/S) - favorite snack
(E/C) - eye color

It had been a full three days since the rebellion against Brumom, and three days that (Y/N) had crashed with La Squadra, personally taking the living room as her temporary home as sharing a bed with any of the males seemed, well, uncomfortable.

Well except Daddy Risotto.
That man seemingly doesn't sleep.

Though laying on his brick bed was a no go after flopping on it and seemingly (Y/N)'s spine cracked from the force.

Speaking of which—

"What are you doing?"

(Y/N) gave out a yelp of distress, her phone slipping out of her grasps and thwacking her straight onto her face as she scrambled off the couch, her face red with embarrassment as she was ready to summon her stand before locking eyes with the man himself.

"Jesus Risotto, you trying to make me die at a young age?" She yelled quietly, not trying to wake up the other members knowing well it's past 2am. He quirked an eyebrow at her exaggerated statement.

"Yes, because I would love Bucciarati on my ass about your death." He stated in a monotone voice, trying to sound sarcastic but failing miserably causing the (h/c)nette to stand up with a huff and pick up her phone, subconsciously rubbing the red mark on her face from the cursed/loved item. "Anyway I came down here to tell you to keep it down, your cursed laughter is going to make everyone pissy in the morning." He stated as a matter of fact, watching her sit back on the couch as she rolled her (e/c) eyes.

"Okay dAD." She muttered while getting comfortable on the couch again, continuing to unlock her phone and go back to scrolling through memes.

He only sighed before giving her a quick head pat and walked away back to his office, where more work needed to be done. A light pink coated her cheeks from his affection as she tried to shake it off, her phone giving a silent hum as a text notification popped up on her phone.

Bby 💞
Are you up?

Clicking on the notification (Y/N) hummed softly before responding.

    No 😛

Bby 💞
Haha very funny 🙄
Srsly, when do you plan on coming home?
I miss you
And everyone's getting on my nerves

      Awe you miss me?
      I miss you to Trish-Senpai uwu

Bby 💞
Please don't start your weeaboo stuff
It's too early for that.

     So mean to me Senpai ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

Bby 💞
You're the mean one here
Leaving me with a frantic mother Bruno
Let alone the rest of the crazies.
Which reminds me to ask

Yes? 👀

Bby 💞
Please unmute the group chat
Everyone keeps asking me to have you unmute the chat seeing as you muted everyone atm 🙄

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