Special #5 How (Y/n) Got A Stand

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It means the world to me how much you
adore my trash 🤧
I hope all my crack baby beans are doing well 💗
Anyways enjoy uwu
(Y/N) - your name
(H/C) - hair color
(E/C) - eye color

"IM GOING TO DO IT!" Threatened (Y/n) as she stood on the ledge of the building.

"I REALLY THINK YOU SHOULD RECONSIDER THIS!" Giorno stated into the megaphone, which was then snatched by Mista.

"DO IT! YOU WONT!" He yelled, earning a respectful slap from Giorno as Abbacchio then stole the megaphone, clearing his throat before speaking into it.

"I agree....DO A FLIP!" He exclaimed making Mista 'whoop' and Giorno choking on his own saliva surprised he would even say such a thing, before realizing how red his cheeks were and that the ex-cop was day drunk making this worse.

(Y/n) teetered back and forth on the ledge, half of her agreeing with Giorno that maybe jumping off a ledge was going too far to figure out her stand, but the other half was rooting that she's fucking Spider-Man and to yolo that shit.

"What's with the racket?" Bruno asked stepping outside of said building, aka their home to a distressed Giorno, Mista rooting saying to 'jump', and Abbacchio looking on the verge to pass out.

"Narancia said something about
(Y/n)'s....stand...." He trailed off, his eyes going wide seeing the girl looking down at them and waving, almost loosing balance and falling off. "MY BABY!" He screeched in full panic before yanking the megaphone out of Abbacchio's drunken hands and yelled into it.

"DONT WORRY, MOMMA'S COMING TO SAVE YOU!" He explained before hearing her yell in protest.

"NO DONT! I WANT TO SEE IF IM LIKE SPIDER-MAN!" She exclaimed, making Giorno facepalm and Bruno deadpan at that statement. At the same time Narancia came out dragging out Fugo who blinked in disbelief as he got a 'I told you so' from the orange boy as Fugo slapped him for being correct.

Trish just happened to be walking back from her shopping spree dropping the bags as she gasped seeing her best friend on top of the roof, stomping over and took the megaphone away from Bruno who was speaking with Giorno on a plan.

"WHAT IN THE BLASTED HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" She screamed at the (h/c)nette who began to twiddle her fingers.

"Well...." She trailed off before clearing her throat to yell down at the pinkette who was fuming. "IM GOING TO JUMP TO SEE WHAT MY STAND IS!" She stated proudly making her friend facepalm.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Trish questioned back seeing the girl scratch her head in question and received a shrug in response.

"I DONT KNOW, UNDER STRESS SITUATIONS MAKES THINGS WORK I GUESS." The girl stated making most of the group now facepalm at that answer.

"Oh my god she's gonna kill herself...." Trish mumbled with a large sigh as she handed the megaphone back to Bruno who fumbled with it, looking like he was about to have a stroke.

"It's easy just....step off the ledge." She told herself, foot dangling off the ledge before she pulled it back pouting as doubts slowly started to invade her mind. Sure, being stabbed by the stand arrow sucked but what was worse was she woke up with no stand. No matter how badly the others tried to help her it just didn't appear, so with some helpful advice, aka Risotto, saying the best way to activate her stand was to be in a life or death situation.

Full On CrackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora