May I Have Another? Yes Of Course Child. #3

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Me: *mentions there's 4 votes on my story*
Everyone: *spams the vote button to save Mista's soul*

Really though thank you guys, you're awesome. And almost to a 100 views after posting that authors note? Crazy.

Anyways enjoy uwu
(Y/N) - your name
(H/C) - hair color
(E/C) - eye color

When (Y/N) woke up at the morning, slight bags under her eyes and messy (H/C) locks that were in every which direction, she certainly wasn't expecting the ear piercing scream coming from the kitchen as f o u r *cough*ladies*cough* men bolted from there, her eyes widening for a brief second realizing they were going to crush her at the speed they were bolting to the safety of the couch for.

"NO WAIT—" She exclaimed trying to get up but due to her blanket being cursed she groaned in agony being toppled by part of the gang, her lungs letting out a pathetic wheeze as she tried to crawl out from under them.



"JeSuS cHrIsT, even with my knowledge I have never seen anything like that before."

"MmHm, I have to agree. That thing will probably kill us all honestly."

"Y-you guys are g-gonna kill me..." (Y/N) whispered out, her lungs deflated at this point as she helplessly tried to crawl away.

"Oh! (Y/N)! How long have you been there for?" Melone asked watching the (H/C)nette struggle to breath under the four men's weight.

"You' ass." She croaked out, giving in and laying there in agony, accepting her fate of death that god had sent upon her. Perhaps it was a good way to go, semi-peaceful. 'Better than getting wrecked by a stand user.' She thought before glaring and groaning, realizing god is a dick and she'll die suffering hearing Ghiaccio go off.

"Why do people even say that?! He doesn't look like an ass, ass is the biological term for a Donkey! And he's a human! So explain to me WHY ass is used when it's referring to an animal!" He screeched, everyone around him groaning also not wanting to hear another "lecture".

"Ghiaccio?" The female muttered during his speech.

"WHAT?!" He exclaimed glaring down at her form.

"Shut. UP!" She yelled, purposely flexing her ass up and causing the the male to yelp and fly onto the floor, the others impressed.

She could hear Formaggio whistling in awe and even Illusio giving a slow clap, in shock of what happened. It's not everyday you see a male go flying from the force of a fine ass. Melone could only cry proud tears, petting her head like a child. "I-I'm so proud of you!" He cries out, making her die of embarrassment as she forcefully cranks her body upwards causing Melone to slide off her making him pout as she managed to snake her legs out from the other two.

"Okay what the hell are you guys so afraid of at...." She trails off, picking up her cellphone and ignoring the notifications, about having a panic attack reading the time "7:56AM?! WHY ARE YOU GUYS UP SO EARLY?!" (Y/N) cried out, realizing she only got roughly 3 hours of sleep, causing her to cry internally.

"We have to head out for missions, duh." Formaggio stated, Illusio nodding in agreement. Making the (H/C)nette sigh as she face palmed, sometimes forgetting that missions were even a thing since she wasn't needed often, her stand wasn't very useful in most situations.

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