Special #1 Reader x Kitten!Giorno

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Hope this has enough heartwarming fluff, made me cry a lil bit because it's
wholesome af—
Thx to smol_aila who requested fluff
hope I didn't disappoint with my sad wholesome shitttt—
This is in Giorno POV

Hope you enjoy uwu

(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/C) - Skin Color
My Hero

Ah...it's so cold....why is it so cold? Why are all of these people walking past me? Why can they not hear my cries for help? Do they not see me? Can they not hear me? I know that I'm fairly loud, someone must be able to hear me....please, if anyone can hear me, then will you please help me?

I cannot climb out of this box on my own, for I'm not strong enough to climb out of this box. My fur is wet, and matted down. I'm shivering and cold, will anyone take pity on me? Anyone willing to take pity for a poor and defenseless little kitten whom cannot take care of himself right now?

Please...please I can feel myself growing weak, with every drop of rain. With every cry, I'm loosing my strength. With every plea I'm yelling for you all to hear I can see that my world is turning dark. I'm ready to give up, I'm ready to just fall asleep and not wake up...I feel so much better when I'm asleep so much warmer, and safer.

Is it bad to think this way? If not...then why was I the only one left behind? Why was everyone else taken with open arms while I was left behind? Please...please someone be my hero and take me away....please?

Falling over onto my side, I stared at the cardboard boxes walls, hoping no... praying that someone would save me. My sight and hearing were starting to fade away, now I am only able to hear and see bits and pieces of what is going on around me. Ah...I've gotten colder, I'm still trembling why? When will this suffering end?

Why can't anyone hear me? Will my voice be heard at all today? I guess...in the eyes of the humans this is a mercy kill, that or they just want me to suffer. To suffer because I am young, perhaps because I am the runt, my golden blonde complexion was riddled black from the grime, maybe this is the reason nobody wants me. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled slowly, I'd decided that it's a good time to give up. I'm ready for my vision to tunnel away and for myself to wake up in the great big cat heaven.

"Ah! What is something tiny as you doing out in this kind of weather?!" A new voice screamed, causing my ears to perk up, I tried to open my eyes to look at the one whom started to scream. I could hear that the voice belonged to a frantic human female, I could hear your feet moving, but the rain was not falling on me anymore. I guess you were shielding me from the rain.

Then I felt my body being wrapped up in something warm, and fuzzy. I felt my body heat returning to me, then the female started running, I could hear your feet echoing every time they hit the wet ground. The sound of the car rushing by, and the light from the cars and street lights let me know that the female was still running that or the cars were speeding past you.

The sound of a door opening and closing could be heard. Warmth hit me like in the face, I felt my body shiver, after being cold for so long and then all of that warmth hitting me at once, it made me want to just roll around in whatever the female had wrapped me up in. The female sat me down on something plushy, I could hear a few things hit the ground as she said.

"Ah, I'll be right back so just stay there!" with that her footsteps echoed off, I guess were in a house? Ah, suddenly I didn't like being alone, I tried to summon my voice, but nothing would come out. I guess my throat was horse from all of my cries for help from earlier. I tried to wiggle my way out of whatever the female had wrapped me up in.

"Hey! What are you doing!? Stay there so you'll stay warm!" I could hear the female demand, your footsteps rushing back towards me. Unwrapping me from the bundle I opened my eyes, I could see the female smiling down at me as you began to talk "Ah, so your old enough to open your eyes? What beautiful turquoise eyes you have~" She cooed.

I took her features into account, her (h/c) locks were a bit out of placed but not bed head messy, her (e/c) hues shined like gleaming gems as her (s/c) skin seemed to glow as well. Her lips had such a kind smile, one that I didn't believe I would get to see.

I could feel my heart beating rapidly, perhaps this woman's beauty had captured my heart? It was it the comment she had stated earlier that made me so flustered? The female smiled as she said. "Haha, sorry I had to go and change my clothes, since I wrapped you up in my jacket I didn't have anything to keep the water the cars splash up from hitting me." I felt bad suddenly, you could get really sick because you had decided to wrap me up in your jacket.

Petting me on top of the head, you smiled and stated. "Well, let's get you into a nice warm bath. Then I can see what I can do for dinner for the both of us." With that stated you gently lifted me up into your arms and carried me to what I assumed was the bathroom, and set me down on a plush mat, as my eyes trailed your features as the sound of running water began to fill my ears. Patiently I had waited, the warmth of your jacket surrounding me had made it so I didn't want to walk away, not like I had the energy to do so in the first place.

Those gentle hands and picked me up, making my horse voice cry out softly, wanting to be in the warmth of your jacket longer. But the feeling of the warm water accompanied by your slim fingers as they massaged my fur made it all better as the filth and muck revealed my shining blonde coat.

"My aren't you just a beauty?" You stated happily, as I let out a small purr in response, feeling something plush go over my body as I was being tried off.

'This warmth...this love...' I began to purr more, her giggles reaching my ears as the towel was pulled away giving me back my vision, shaking slightly from the assaulting coldness that came from not being fully dried. Though you made up for it by carefully bringing me to your chest and giving me your warmth, your love.

"You'll be the sunlight to my daytime, won't you my lil' Giorno?"

My head perked up, our eyes clashing as you let out another sound of happiness, her face coming closer to mine as our noses touched. Purrs intensifying as I could feel your lips gently pressing against the top of my head, a silent bond between us formed.

I couldn't help but want to speak the way humans do, I want to tell you, thank you. I want to thank you for saving me.

For being my hero.

Hope you guys enjoyed this short special,
Perhaps a part 2 is needed—
Lmk if you guys would like a part 2 for this 😊

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