The Dreaded uwu #4

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Are y'all okay? Lmao
I appreciate you guys, ily so much ☺️

I had this done over 5 days ago, and it didn't feel crackish enough so here's a new and improved version—
if y'all want to read the old version I had lmk maybe I'll make it into a one shot since it involved our cream puff boi Doppio—

Anyways enjoy uwu
(Y/N) - your name
(H/C) - hair color
(F/S) - favorite snack
(F/C) - favorite color
(E/C) - eye color

To say that she didn't get weird looks was an understatement, I mean anyone would if they saw someone with disheveled uncombed (h/c) locks and what only seemed to be a t-shirt that was twice their size as they booked it down the streets of Italy. Swiftly swerving right she panted, hands on her knees as she took deep breaths in an alleyway, her feet sore from forgetting her shoes at La Squadra's place due to that massive arachnid.

She sent her bag on top of a garbage can, not too worried if it was dirty or anything and unzipped her bag, looking both ways before taking out a pair of black leggings, semi-covered in cat hair from Formaggio's fluffy love bug, and swiftly put them on, keeping on the short shorts underneath. Quickly fishing out a sports bra and doing the magic trick of putting it on underneath the big shirt she looked semi-decent.

Not caring much for her hair she grabbed out a simple (f/c) beanie, one that Mista had given her as a gift from one of his missions and placed it on her head, hiding the imperfections. Unfortunately, no shoes, but she managed to find a hidden pair of fuzzy socks and slipped them on her feet to protect them a bit from the filth and gravel. Grabbing her phone from the side pocket and zipping her bag back up she put it around her shoulders and frowned, seeing her phone was only at 58%.

"Stupid battery..." (Y/n) muttered bitterly before unlocking it, seeing as she had a handful of text messages to attend to, and leaned against the alleyway wall.

Gay Sis 👩‍🎤
(Y/n) I hope you're alright!
Sorry we left you as well 🥺
Hope you're not dead xoxo

She scoffed slightly, her? Dying from a spider? Pfft nawwwww. 'Didn't Naranica once say something about battling a huge spider?' She thought before shaking her head and replying back to Melone.

I'm okay, dead inside but I'm fine.
Besides I'm not the one who lives there 😉
Have fun with that spider! xoxo 😘

Chuckling slightly realizing the panic that she must ensued for the male she clicked on the next message.

Daddy uwu
Hope you're okay.
Sorry about the spider, should have mentioned him before hand. He's usually only out at night.
Would love to know why my window is broken though.

A little bit of sweat began to form as she began writing her response.

Doing great, a heads up on that mad lad would have been nice.
You named him Chuck? Lmao that's such an American name.
Ghiaccio broke the window, he a hoe.

'Revenge for the lecture.' (Y/n) thought while letting out a few snickers, some people looking in the alleyway and looking away quickly, figuring it was just another crack addict.

Sliding her phone into her bra since the leggings didn't have pockets she began her journey back out of the alleyway only to be ran over by a male with brown fluffy locks of hair with shining aquamarine eyes.

"Ah, mierda! ¡Lo siento!*" He exclaimed franticly, her mind understanding he said shit but unable to translate the rest.

"Uh it's—" Before (Y/N) could finish her sentence something felt wrong, and before she knew it the male seemed to be much larger than before and an overwhelming sense to cry took over.

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