Special #4 Mudad

294 14 12

aHA! You thought it was me, main plot.
But it was me! Side plot!
It's like 2am but ily guys so
I felt entitled to post something 👉👈
Anyways I hope you enjoy this
lil' short crack story~

(H/C) - Hair Color
(Y/N) - Your Name

It was a peaceful day, just the right temperature as (Y/n) took another sip of her iced drink taking in the calmness very well knowing it was probably going to end soon. Walking through the streets was something she did occasionally, seeing as Bruno never really sent her on missions unless it was to get information from people, she was free to do whatever she wanted. Though hanging out with the boys today was a flop in her plans, seeing as they were all busy out doing missions or in Bruno and Giorno's case, paper work.

Sighing sadly she failed to notice the massive figure in front of her and slammed into their back, letting out a large "oof" as she fell on her ass, her stand LC able to catch her iced beverage before it spilt on herself.

"Jesus did I bump into god or something?" She mumbled under her breath and gave a nod of appreciation to her stand who gave a closed eye smile and shrills of happiness. When looking up she let out a yelp and quickly scooted backwards to stand up, a massive figure in front of her.

"Oh? You dare bump into me, Go—DIO?!" The male yelled making her do a double take and taking in his features, completely ignoring what he was saying.

She snapped her fingers before pointing at him making him highly confused before she spoke. "You're uh....Giorno's dad aren't you?" Making him raise an eyebrow in question.

"I have a son?"

"Oh shit here we go—"

~Time Skip cause ZA WORLDO~

"And that's how Giorno became Don of the mafia, though he usually just lets Bruno be in charge of majority of paper work and such." (Y/n) explained while taking a sip of her second iced beverage, sitting across from Dio as they sat outside the cafe under a shaded area. He had briefly explained that with a sun screen developed just for him he could be outside, but the sun still bothered him to an extent.

Dio let out a chuckle as he took a sip of his hot tea before speaking. "Sure sounds like the son of the great Dio!" He boasted making the female chuckle as she finished her second drink.

"You know, you're not as bad as Giorno described you to be." She admitted making the male before her raise a brow at that statement.

"Well where did he learn that from?" He questioned while taking a sip of his tea.

"Oh just from his great-great-nephew..." She mumbled as she began to count on her fingers and think logically if what she said was correct, the family tree was so fucky it was honestly a head splitter trying to remember it correctly.

"And who would that be?" He asked, as he began downing the rest of the warm beverage.

"Jotaro Kujo."

Cue the tea being spit all on her as Dio let out an angry wry from this information. Her stand briefly coming out momentarily and offering a napkin with sounds of worry as (Y/n) began to wipe off the tea, from herself.
'This man has no idea how badly he messed up the family tree, does he?' She thought bitterly as LC hurriedly grabbed more napkins, what a weird day this was going to be.

~Woah bro another time skip~

"Are you sure you can handle this?"

"Yeah I'm totally positive!"

"Alright, ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Bruno raised an eyebrow and stopped writing, Giorno noticing also stopped.
"What's up—"

"Shhhh!" Bruno exclaimed, putting his finger against Giorno's lips making the blonde deadpan at the action. "My mother senses are tingling..."

Giorno rolled his eyes and pushed his finger away from his face. "Bruno—"

Before he could even finish his sentence the black haired male stood up and swiftly walked into the hallway, heading towards where grunts and pants could be heard, Giorno following but not too keen to find out what was happening.

"I-it hurts!"

"Come on, I know you can do more."

"A-ahh....I-I'm going to break!"

"Push a little further, you're almost there."

Standing in front of (Y/n)'s door had Bruno and Giorno both red in the face, both looking at each other making sure what they were hearing was actually happening.

"I...I-I c-can't~"

(Y/n) was red in the face, sweating, from doing some weird looking pose as some buff god like complex next to her was doing the same thing, but with no issues.

"Now, say it!" The blonde next to her stated.

"wRrrRyYyyyYyyy?" She said more as a question before screaming bloody murder as her door was kicked down, causing her to loose concentration and almost snapping her ankles if it wasn't for her stand gently supporting her shoulders to keep her in place.

Hearing that pitiful cry made Bruno snap and instantly kick the door in, holy bible in hand about to smack the Jesus and purity back into his home. Only to be confused at the sight in front of him.

There was his precious baby bean, next to some buff guy that looked vaguely familiar. But in some weird ass poses.

"(Y/n), what are you doing?" He asked while lowering his bible, as the (h/c)nette still had her stand supporting her in the stance.

"Uhhhh....JoJo Posing?" She answered uncertainly as she looked over at Dio who shrugged in response. "Or, learning how to wry I guess."

"Learning how to what?"

"Okay boomer..." (Y/n) muttered under her breath not wanting to explain what the cool kids do, LC helping her to stand upwards.

Suddenly the air felt different around the three of them in the girls bedroom. (Y/n) looking around and scratching her head in confusion.

"Does anyone else hear a piano or is it just me?" She questioned out loud, before realizing too late what was happening.

"Dio...." Giorno stated menacingly, stepping into the bedroom making everyone uncomfortable, stepping closer towards his father.

"Giorno?" Questioned Dio, as the piano music was getting louder. "You're approaching me?"

"Wait a second—"

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer—"


"(Y/N)! WATCH OUT—!"


<——— To Be Continued

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