D i r t y S e c r e t s #5

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Ily guys so much 💗
Anyways enjoy uwu
(Y/N) - your name
(H/C) - hair color
(F/S) - favorite snack
(E/C) - eye color

Narancia could only stare at Bruno when he walked in, eyebrows raised at the sight of a kid in his arms. Fugo noticing his silence looked up from the book he was reading and turned to where Narancia was staring, his eyes widening wondering why in the hell a child was at their facility.

Bruno had sat the young (Y/n) on the counter, and quickly grabbing (f/s) for her while smiling. Watching as she quickly began consuming it, giving a hum of appreciation as she continued to munch on it, too induced into the delicious snack to even acknowledge Narancia loud gasp and slam against the kitchen counter.

"YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU HAD A KID!" He exclaimed excitedly, making poor Bruno choke on his own saliva and becoming red in the face, Fugo respectively whacking the male behind the head making Narancia cry out in pain.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He screamed glaring at Fugo who glared back, about to smack him through the fourth wall.

"Have respect you idiot, what Bruno does in his personal time shouldn't concern us." He stated as in a matter of fact, before briefly looking back at the kid and back to his book. "But she is a cute kid, congrats Bruno."

Bruno cleared his throat, his embarrassment creeping up more, he hoped his blush had vanished as he spoke up. "Well actually, she's not—"

"Bwuno?" (Y/n) asked, tugging on his shirt, making Narancia let out a few laughs before yelling out in pain once again from Fugo's abusive.

"Yes?" He replied turning back around to the smol child. She looked up at him with wide (e/c) eyes that seemed to have that sparkle of child like wonder. "I wanna go pwlay." She stated, making him chuckle and rub her hair, making her puff her cheeks at the action, dust falling out of it making him take his hand off and stare at her in confusion, never noticing how truly filthy she was until now.

"You can play after you take a bath." He stated making her eyes go wide.

"NO!" She screamed, hissing like a cat and scrambling off the counter, falling on her ass and zooming away under the kitchen table, making Narancia laugh and Fugo sigh.

"Man Bruno your kid doesn't listen at all does she?!" Narancia yelled, continuing to yell as his seat leaned back. (Y/n) being the terrible monster child took it as an opportunity and pushed the chair legs more, making him yelp in fear as he fell backwards along with the chair, Fugo then laughing at his misfortune.

"(Y/n)!" Bruno exclaimed making Fugo stop laughing as he looked at him confused, then looking back down at the kid and pointing at her.

"That's (Y/n)?" He asked as Narancia sat up from the floor also looking at the young girl.

Bruno could only sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose. "Yes, she had a mishap with a stand user." He explained as he walked closer "C'mon (Y/n), you need to wash up."

"Nooooooo!" She cried out evading his reach as she quickly hid behind Fugo's chair while glaring. Bruno gave Fugo that knowing look as he nodded ready to reach around and grab her before she spoke up.

"Fwugo~" She said in a sing song voice making his spine shiver at that tone.

"Yes?" He responded, nervous what she was going to say.

"If you hwand me over to Bwuno, I'll tell hwim your d i r t y s e c r e t~"

"Dirty secret?" Bruno repeated looking at Fugo who began to sweat immensely, Narancia also looking confused wondering what (Y/n) meant before letting out a loud 'ohhhhh' as if knowing what she meant.

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