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Louis POV

I could feel the steady heartbeat belonging to Harry gently pulsing in the grip of my hands. it gave me a slight peace of mind, a rhythm of life that I have missed for far too long. I matched my breaths to his rhythm as I dazed in and out of my light sleep. I kept adjusting myself to keep my body from becoming a statute stuck in my chair.

I rolled my head onto the edge of the hospital bed and hung my feet off the sidearm of my chair as I pulled my blue blanket closer to my chest. My senses went into such an overload as I breathed in the rich toasted scent of harry that I wasn't sure if I just imagined the gentle squeeze on my hand that rests underneath his hand.

My head shot up and I twisted in my chair as my heart started to race inside my body line wanting to jump out and into his hands. I have a light squeeze back in response, I don't want this to be a false alarm. I also didn't want to wake him up if he wasn't ready. As the magnitude of the situation continued to run throughout my body I held my breath waiting for his response.

Almost a second later Harry's velvet fingertips wrapped a little tighter around my quivering hand. I let out a whimsical sigh of relief that was intertwined with a cheeky smile. I shifted my gaze from our hands up to his face, the dimly lit room defining his sharp jawline and smooth cheekbones. I could tell his eyes were wondering underneath his porcelain eyelids as the shadows moved between his eyes. His head fell slightly towards the edge of his pillow, as his chin moved up in a slow, timid motion his beautiful green stained glass eyes opened up and found my own.

With the lock of our eyes, time stopped and the walls faded away into oblivion. It is just me and Harry. Harry and I. The sight of blurred green continued to take up space in my eyesight as I took in this moment forever. The feeling of being reconnected, my heart connecting back to the person it was meant to be with. I have never had my heart feel so overwhelmingly full, I have never realized exactly how much of me is really in Harry. With a single touch, a single look, a single breath I am back to the Louis that I am meant to be. The one that never would leave such a radiant and pure human being.

I choked back my tears and attempted to clear my throat.

"Hi" my voice broke under the weight of all the emotions overflowing from my body but I don't care anymore. I saw the green of Harry's Eyes become more vibrant and glass-like as tears swelled in his eyes as well. His gaze drifted his hand interlaced with mine.

"Oops" I didn't hold back my tears as our eyes met once again. I watched the edges of his lips curl into a smile. I pulled my lips to make the same motion as Harry's and let out a small laugh through my mix of tears and a runny nose. I raised up his hand gently to my lips and delicately placed them on his warm skin.

Harry's POV

We both have tears in our eyes as we both lay quietly. While my body feels like I got hit by a truck my head is crystal clear and my heart is as light as a feather. Reassurance traced through my body, I am meant to be laying in this hospital bed with a mesh spine while holding my Louis in my hand. I could stay like this for a lifetime if I had too.

Each new time my eyes hovered over Louis' small silhouette I noticed a detail that told a piece of our story. When I first opened my eyes I immediately spotted our blankets, our tangled hands had been placed over the edge of my pink one while the shade of blue rested decadently over his small little legs spilling over from the chair on top the floor. It reminded me of all the nights we spent together watching movies and Louis would just fall asleep halfway through cuddled in multiple blankets.

I wonder how many movies we'll get to watch now, how many more times i'll get to see him wrapped up like a burrito. I fell back asleep again swaddled into my own burritos of the hospital sheets and my blanket coated in the sweet scent of Louis as now both his head and a hand rested gracefully on me.

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