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   she walked faster than usual, hoping it would be enough to get the last bus. her boots were vigorously hitting the pavement, despite the soreness in her limbs. she gasped, a crack in the sidewalk almost made her stumble. the bus stop was only few minutes away, but it seemed unreachable. when she thought it couldn't get worse, she heard a crash of thunder followed by lightning bolts in the dull sky...

the bus seemed to progress in slow motion, boring a hole into the misty night. the day had been exhausting. she massaged her temples, a failed attempt to ease her headache. drowsiness was slowly getting her. she already pictured herself, a mug in her hands, the hot and translucent liquid sliding down her throat. she couldn't wait to come home.
she was putting up with a career she didn't enjoy, and it became obvious that it couldn't last. because deep inside, she knew that there would be a time, a time for her dreams to be pursued. a time for her to be freed from her past.
she silently watched the buildings and the streets, gleaming under the city lights. some people were still outside, their umbrellas adding little hints of color to the dark setting. her sight was altered by the glassy raindrops running down the window, some slower than others. her unspoken thoughts were blaring in her mind. she found him in everything.
and tonight, it was the sound of thunderstorm.

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