Chapter 14

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Anyone else get a kick out of the "new group" that debuted? Way to go ARMY! 

Also, this is still bomb, even though it was such a long time ago!!!


It had been a rough night for everyone. After putting y/n to bed, the heavy rock that had settled into everyone's chests became sharper, seemingly gaining edges, feeling like it was shredding their hearts. Now, if the guys had actually bothered to communicate, like they always tell each other to, they would have discovered that everyone was feeling the same way. This would have led to the realisation that they were finally feeling y/n's emotions, although emotions like these would have brought another wave of concern. Instead, every member put it down to tiredness, to having a long week, to seeing you in that state. How could they not feel incredibly bad about the situation. You had struggled through the night, hiding how sick you were until you couldn't hide it anymore. Did you not trust them? Or were you worried about being "a problem". Those words hadn't escaped anyone's minds, and resulted in more worried conversations after everyone went to bed. Jimin in particular ended up awake until the early hours of the morning, replaying the night over and over again. He knew what it was like, not wanting to cause a problem for anyone, not wanting to be a burden to his soulmates. But he also knew that, even though it felt that way sometimes, none of the group would ever see it that way. Instead of being a burden, they saw it as sharing their troubles, trusting enough to ask for help. It was a mind shift that had taken a lot of time to learn, and even now was something he struggled with. If it was something y/n struggled with, then he was definitely going to help. He wouldn't force anything, but he would make sure you knew he was always there, always ready if you needed. Mind made up, he finally drifted off to sleep, a restless sleep same as everyone else in the dorm.


Jolting awake from another nightmare, you looked around the room, panic creeping in. Where am I? What happened? Did they find me? After a few moments, you calmed down, realising where you were. You were at the dorm. In someone's room. Why? You struggled through the hazy set of memories that were last night. You'd failed, failed to hide how sick you were from the guys. Such a failure. How dare you cause so much trouble for them. Blinking tears out of your eyes, you pulled yourself together. This wasn't the time to wallow in guilt. You needed to get your shit together and move on. What's happened has already happened and can't be changed. Stop thinking about it and get on with your life. Checking your watch, you can see it's 5am. Again. Not surprising really. Between the early morning and the heavy curtains, it's no wonder the room is so dark. You can't remember who's room it is, but you make a note to find out and thank them later. No doubt they had to sleep on the couch instead.

Ready to get on with it, you head downstairs towards where you think the kitchen is. A cup of coffee would go a long way right about now. Hopefully, it would work its caffeinated magic and wash away the lingering edges of the migraine. Sometimes, when you wake up after a migraine, it feels like how you imagined a hangover to feel like. Despite the amount you drank sometimes, you've never been hungover, so you don't really have anything to compare it to. As you reach the kitchen, it finally filters through your brain that the lights are on and there are voices in there. A quiet hum of chatter interlaced with the sound of what you hope to be a coffee pot (or even a jug of water for instant). Stepping into the doorway, the chatter dies down and everyone turns to look at you.

"Y/n! We didn't expect you up so early. How are you feeling?" asked Jin, staring at you worriedly across the room.

"Coffee?" asks Yoongi from next to the pot of coffee. You're saved.

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