Part 3

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A few days have passed since the first day of university, and in the dance department there was a group of boys just hanging out one morning, all their classes only started in the afternoon and they often did dance covers together.

They were taking a break from practice, among the 7 boys there was only one boy sitting on his own, he was busy monitoring their practice, the other six were sitting with their partners as among them they were dating and the boy who was on his own was the only single one among them.

"Felix what are you doing this weekend?" one of the boys asked him.

"Nothing why Minho hyung?" the boy named Felix asked looking up from his phone.

"Well, I have this frie-" before Minho could even finish his sentence, Felix already shook his head.

"No way, not again I refuse just because you all decided you want to date doesn't mean you can go setting me up with whoever you want," Felix said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"I just don't want you to be alone," Minho said and Felix just rolled his eyes.

"Should've thought about that before everyone decided they wanted to date someone" He mumbled to himself.

"You guys hardly pay attention to me anyway, for all any of you know I am dating someone," he said loudly this time.

"Come on Felix, you can hardly speak to someone who isn't us" Seungmin joked as he lifted his head from Changbin's shoulder.

Felix didn't know what he was supposed to feel but he felt really pissed off, they were supposed to be his friends and they were supposed to encourage him but instead, they just pushed him to date which he didn't want to do right now.

Felix took a deep breath to calm down, he put his phone back into his pocket and got up quietly, he collected his stuff without saying anything.

"Where are you going?" Hyunjin asked him.

"I am going to look for my friends, because apparently they got lost the moment y'all started dating" he said and stormed out of the practice room.

He rushed out of the door, he was planning on heading straight to his locker but he ended up bumping into someone and they dropped all their papers, he returned to reality really quick when that happened.

He crouched down and muttered a lot of apologies as he was picking up the notebook and papers.

"Felix?" he heard a small familiar voice ask, his head shot up and he couldn't help but smile.

"DOJUN!" he said excitedly and almost dropped everything he just picked up.

Dojun frowned a bit, it looked like something was bothering Felix and that bothered him a little...

"Hey... Is everything okay?" he asked the boy and slightly touched his hand, Felix nodded but his tears betrayed him.

"Want to talk about it?" the boy asked, Felix, hesitated at first but ended up agreeing.

"My class doesn't start for another hour let's go sit somewhere and talk," Dojun said and Felix nodded with a small smile.

The two boys ended up walking to a big oak tree that was in the middle of their departments and took a seat at one of the picnic tables there.

"So what happened?" Dojun asked, tilting his head a bit.

"Well... my friends, I love them don't get me wrong but... they keep trying to set me up with their friends and it is getting annoying, I don't want to date someone they set me up with, I want to find my own love when the time is right" Felix said and let out a small sigh.

"Why would they do that? Did you tell them you don't want them to do it?"

"Well you see Chan and Minho hyung was already a thing when we all met, and then somehow Hyunjin and Jisung ended up together and soon after Changbin and Seungmin even started dating although they hated one another for a while... now I am the only single one in the group and they don't want me to be alone, I get it but no matter how much I say no they don't listen"

"That is so wrong seriously... they shouldn't push you to get into a relationship just because they are dating" Dojun said with a frown.

"Yeah, and they did the same thing again now and I told them what if I was already dating someone, and Seungmin said that it would be impossible since I never talk to anyone aside from them," Felix said, he knew it was true, he didn't like talking to strangers which surprised him when he saved Dojun, even now him telling the boy all this was surprising to him.

"That is so mean... gosh, I am sorry you have to deal with this Felix" the boy said and took the boy's hand in his.

"I am here for you okay? And if you ever need help to get them off your ass about dating tell me I will help you out okay? I still owe you for what you did back there for me"

Felix couldn't help but smile at the smaller boy.

"Thank you, I appreciate it," he said smiling.

"No worries... I am so happy we got to meet again" the boy said with a big smile which made his eyes turn into little crescents.

"So what's your major?" Felix asked him.

"Oh I'm a videography major," Dojun said smiling "I take it you are a dance major? Taking it you came out of that building" Dojun asked and Felix nodded.

"Yep, I'm a sophomore this year"

"Wah so I should actually call you Sunbae Or Hyung," Dojun said and Felix visibly cringed.

"No please don't, just call me Felix okay? I am not from here, I grew up in Australia so I am not used to all the honorifics"

"Oh so you are good with English?" the boy asked, amazed.

"Indeed I am" the boy replied in English with a big smile.

"Your accent oh goodness, stop before you steal my heart," Dojun said with a giggle which made the other laugh.

The two boys just sat there talking a bit and soon it was time for Dojun to go to class but Felix wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet.

"Can I walk you to class?" Felix asked with a shy smile and the other boy nodded.

The two walked to class, Felix carrying Dojun's books he was carrying, they just talked a bit and laughed as they walked and when they finally got to Dojun's class they had to say goodbye.

Neither of the boys wanted to say goodbye first but they knew they had to, Felix handed Dojun his books and petted the shorter boy's hair with a small smile.

"Thanks for listening to me earlier, it helped me feel a lot better," the freckled boy said.

"You are welcome," Dojun said with a small smile.

"Let's hang out soon okay? You have my number just tell me you want to meet up okay?"Felix asked and the boy nodded happily.

They parted ways with one last goodbye, Dojun went into his class and Beomgyu started bombarding him with questions such as asking who the boy was and what they were, but Dojun didn't say anything he just smiled at the taller boy who was dying from curiosity.

In the end, Dojun replied to the boy "He is just a friend" Beomgyu smirked, he didn't believe that but he wouldn't push it.

When Felix reluctantly returned to their practice room, he was met with his friends who had a lot of questions.

"YOU REALLY ARE DATING SOMEONE?" came from Jisung the moment he saw Felix.

"What do you mean?" The boy asked. Hyunjin approached him with a photo he took when he chased after Felix earlier.

The photo was from when Felix was ranting to Dojun about what was going on and Dojun held his hand.

"This- I mean... Yeah I am dating someone, I told you guys I'm seeing someone that is why I didn't want to go on those stupid blind dates" Felix said and everyone looked at him shocked, they really thought the boy was joking but he didn't show that he was joking or anything and with the picture evidence they couldn't not believe it... their little Felix was indeed dating someone.

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