Part 12

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A little over two weeks passed since Dojun learned the truth of who he actually is, he was currently at Junsoo's apartment with Eunmi.

Eunmi ended up skipping her fashion show, her son was a lot more important to her than photographing models.

Dojun was busy setting the table and Eunmi was finishing off the last few things for dinner, they wanted to make sure everything was ready for when Junsoo came home.

Once they were done they sat on the sofa, Dojun was laying with his head on Eunmi's lap, his mind was still stuck on that day Felix hugged him the moment he kept replaying in his head.

"What's wrong honey?" Eunmi asked him and ran her fingers through his hair.

The two got quite close in the little time they had together, it was almost as if they were never separated, to begin with.

"Mom... What does it mean if you feel safe and warm in someone's arms like you never want them to let you go" He suddenly asked, also yes he started calling her mom, he wasn't sure what to call her at first but he ended up calling her mom once and he saw how happy it made her that he kept doing it.

"Well, it depends on the person, if it's a parent then it can be that you love your parent a lot, if it is a friend though it can be one of two things, it can be that you feel very protected by this friend or it can be that you like them, Why?" She asked with a knowing smile.

She wouldn't say it out loud but she read the situation quite quickly the few times she saw Felix and Dojun together, even if Felix's friends weren't around they acted like a couple many would think the two were actually a couple if they didn't know them.

"Well... Whenever I feel overwhelmed there is only one person I want to be next to, I want them to hug me and let them tell me it will be okay when everything happened instead of calling my best friend I called him instead and it is confusing me a bit, my feelings are confusing me"Dojun said the last part softly.

"It sounds to me like you might like this boy... And I bet he likes you as well" She said with a small smile.

"You think so?"

"Yep, Felix is easy quite easy to read once he lets his guard down, he really cares a lot about you, he looks at you like you put the stars in the sky," she said and Dojun looked at her a little surprised, he never realized that at all.

"I think you should tell him, baby," she said softly.

"But what if he doesn't like me like that?"

"Then you two can still be friends, but it's better to be straightforward with your feelings than to hide them because they will grow until it will be too late to save your friendship," she said.

"Okay... I will tell him"

Junsoo came home with them still sitting on the sofa like that, he smiled a little and greeted them, he was happy to have his little family back together.

They all sat down to eat dinner together, they talked about their days and what they did.

"Dojun when does your vacation start?" Junsoo suddenly asked.

"In a few weeks why?"

"Would you like to meet your grandparents?" Junsoo asked him and Dojun was a little confused at first but then he remembered he never met Eunmi's parents before.

"I would love to, have they moved back here?" Dojun asked.

"No, they settled down in Australia," Eunmi replied.

"So we will be flying to Australia?" he asked and the two nodded.

"And if you want you can invite Felix with," Eunmi said with a teasing smile.


"what? You are planning on confessing after all and I mean he is from there as well isn't he? He must miss his family a lot" Eunmi said to him.

"I will ask him once I confess, okay? It will be a little awkward if I invite him and he rejects me" Dojun said and both Junsoo and Eunmi giggled a little.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"Oh nothing," the two said and continued eating, Dojun just looked at them and shook his head, he couldn't believe his parents were still so much like teenagers.

Once they were done eating, Dojun went to take a walk, he wanted to confess what he was feeling but he was also a little scared to do it but he also knew if he didn't do it soon he would lose his courage to do it.

When he was almost back at the apartment he took his phone out of his pocket and called Felix.

"Hi, Junnie how did dinner go?" Felix asked him, he could tell the older was smiling just by listening to his voice.

"Hi~ it went well, do you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"Sure! What do you want to do?"

"Hmmm what do you feel like doing?" Dojun asked him, he didn't really think of what they would do before he actually confessed what he was feeling.

"Well, I have this choreography I really want to learn...and none of the others have time to learn it so will you come dance with me? And after that, we can go get something to eat, maybe go see a movie?" Felix listed things they could do and Dojun smiled happily.

"The dancing sounds nice, I am up for it just know I haven't a single day in my life," he said which made the older boy laugh.

"I will teach you so no worries okay?"

"Okay but if I fall you have to catch me"

"Of course I will"

The two talked for a bit more, just about basic things like how their days were and what they did.

It was a simple conversation but it meant more to them than many would know.

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