Part 14

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The first day of their vacation came really quick, Felix had called his parents the very next day he agreed to go, he didn't tell them that he was coming though, he just wanted to talk to them and asked them things to recommend to someone who was going there for the first time.

He wanted it to be a surprise for them, so he just told them he planned on coming for the next vacation as he had an event he was performing at, they were sad to hear that he wasn't coming but they knew they could still talk to him on the phone.

The two boys' friends came to see them off at the airport, both groups of friends were really happy to hear that the two were finally dating for real and not just acting like they were.

The plane ride was long but neither really minded. They sat next to one another on the right side of the plane whilst Dojun's parents sat in the middle row, they watched movies and listened to music during the flight until they both fell asleep.

Eunmi took photos of the two to keep as memories for them, she thought that she would give it to them on their first anniversary, so they could see all the memories they made, she has actually been taking photos of the two for a while now, they knew about some of them but some of them are quite candid.

When they finally arrived at Sydney international airport, they did through everything they needed to and went out to the arrivals area where they looked around for a bit, Eunmi saw someone and smiled happily, she ran towards an older couple and the three guys followed her.

"Mommy, daddy it's so good to see you again," she said. Dojun heard it and froze a little when he heard it. He was usually nervous about meeting new people but this time it was a bit different... he was meeting his grandparents for the first time.

"You remember Junsoo right?" She said and pointed to the tall male who was standing beside her, her parents smiled happily and immediately hugged him.

"Welcome son, we haven't seen you in so long," her mom said, her dad nodded in agreement, once they let him go they looked towards the two boys who were standing slightly behind the two.

"Hmm..." her father said looking from Eunmi to Junsoo and then towards the two boys, he pointed towards Dojun with a small smile.

"You must be Dojun right?" he said, Felix pushed him forwards a little.

"Hi... I'm Dojun" the boy said softly, his grandparents smiled brightly and hugged him almost immediately, it was the first time they could hold their grandson, it meant a lot to both of them.

"And this boy looks really familiar... have we met before?" Dojun's grandmother asked Felix, the boy thought for a bit and almost immediately realization hit him.

"Auntie Jieun?" He asked and the lady started laughing.

"My goodness Felix you grew up a lot since I last saw you," she said causing everyone except her husband to be a little confused.

"When we moved a few years back, this sweet boy came to help us unpack everything, he often came to visit us, but then the last time we saw him was when he came to say goodbye, telling us he was going to Korea to study dancing at a really good university," She said smiling.

"Have you found yourself a good boyfriend there?" Dojun's grandfather asked, truth be told, Felix came out to the older couple before he even came out to his own family, so they knew him well.

"I did" the boy replied and glanced at Dojun, the couple smiled at them they immediately caught on, the air around the two screamed "Young Love" and they found it absolutely adorable.

They started walking out of the airport when it struck Felix.

"Uncle, do you still live in the same house?" he asked and the man nodded, Felix smiled a bit.

"You can even see your parents easily," Dojun's grandmother replied, Felix, nodded excitedly.

The drive to their house was a little long and not sleeping much caught up to the two boys, so they fell asleep on the way.

"They really are a cute couple," His grandmother said.

"They really are, Dojun and he only started dating recently, but when we decided on coming we wanted him to come with since he is from here we thought he might miss his family so why not invite him along," Eunmi said, before snapping a photo of the two.

The older couple kept asking little questions about their grandson, they wanted to make sure the boy was comfortable with them, they knew the boy was gay, Eunmi told them with Dojun's permission, he didn't want to lose another set of grandparents in the same way he did last time, or well at least he didn't want to experience it first hand again.

When they got to the older couple's home, Felix was the first of the two to wake up. He put his hood up just in case one of his family members saw him since they lived right across the road.

He woke the younger boy up and helped him out of the car since he was still basically asleep. They unpacked the car and got comfortable, Dojun's grandmother prepared dinner in advance for them just in case they were hungry, so she was heating everything up while Dojun and Felix set the table.

They all ate dinner and once they were done Eunmi and Junsoo did the dishes.

"Felix, are you going to go greet your parents?" Uncle Kim asked him.

"No, I plan on going in the morning, it's already late and I want to take Dojun with me, and he is already asleep," Felix said with a small smile.

"Makes sense, do they know you are coming?"

"No, I want to surprise them," he said and Uncle Kim's smile started growing

"It reminds me of when you planned that surprise for their anniversary before you left, they will be really happy to see you again Felix" the boy smiled.

The two talked a bit more and Auntie Kim soon joined them as well as Eunmi and Junsoo, they all talked a little before they all went to bed.

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