Part 15

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The next day came around and Felix was up before everyone, he washed up and got dressed and nervously sat playing on his phone, he was going to prepare breakfast for everyone but then he remembered when he and Seungmin made pancakes and that didn't go too well.

He heard a door opening-up and he almost fell off the sofa to see who it was, he saw Dojun's grandmother coming to the living room, he smiled when he saw her.

"Good morning Auntie," he said happily

"Morning Felix, did you sleep well?"

"I did, how about you?"

"I did, I am going to go make breakfast for you and Dojun since you guys are going to your parents today," she said and started heading to the kitchen, Felix quickly jumped up and followed her.

"Can I help?"

"Of course honey"

Felix helped her make breakfast and set the table when they were almost done.

"Felix honey, can you wake up Dojunnie? I will wake up Eunmi and Junsoo later since we all went to bed quite late" she said, Felix nodded and basically ran to Dojun's room.

He jumped on the younger boy's bed and started kissing the younger boy all over his face, Dojun woke up and giggled at the older boy's action.

"Good morning love, your grandmother made breakfast for us" Felix said as he sat up crossing his legs.

"Is everyone else awake already?" Dojun asked in a sleepy voice.

"Hmm nope it's just us, I want to greet my parents but I want to take you with remember? So your grandma made us food so we can eat before going"

"Oh yeah... how late is it?" He asked as he slowly sat up.

"It's almost 10"

"Okay, then let's go eat and then I will go wash up and we can head over" Dojun said with a small smile and the older boy nodded.

They went to the dining room and started eating breakfast while talking to Dojun's grandma for a bit, she wanted to know how they met and how everything came to them dating, she was curious about her grandson, it was the first time she met him since he was taken away from them.

Once they were done eating Dojun went to wash up and changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a loose fit green t-shirt, he took a pair of white sneakers with him and got his phone as well slipping it into his pocket.

He went to the living room again and once Felix saw he was ready to go the older boy got up, they quickly put on their shoes and then said goodbye to Dojun's grandma and started walking over to Felix's house.

As they closed the two stopped walking and hid behind a tree for a little.

"I want to surprise them but how?" Felix said

"Hmm, I can go knock and introduce myself? Saying I am Kim's grandson, and that my grandmother asked me to bring them a package but the person with the package is on their way?"

"That can work... okay, will you be okay? I know you are a little shy around people you don't know"

"I will be, they are your family if they're anything like you I will have no problem," Dojun said with confidence making his lover smile happily, the older boy pecked the younger boy on the cheek.

Felix hid so nobody would see him, Dojun walked over to Felix's house and took a deep breath, he walked up the steps, he rung the doorbell and waited a bit before the door opened before him, revealing a lady who was around her late 40's

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