Part 9

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Since Gunmin's sudden appearance Dojun took some time off from university, he went to his brothers' apartment and stayed there for a while, he needed to get away from everything for a while and his brother didn't ask too many questions, he was more worried over Dojun's mental health than anything so he didn't hesitate to allow it.

Dojun has been at his brother's place for almost a week now and the two had a lot of fun once Junsoo got off from work and they would play games or have endless movie marathons which made them pass out in front of the tv.

Tonight was no different except for one little thing, Dojun was the one who fell asleep and Junsoo was still awake since he had promised Eunmi that he would do a video call with her, as she was packing to head to the Paris Fashion Week.

The two were on video call for a while just talking about random things, but Eunmi knew her best friend all too well and could tell something was wrong... Junsoo seemed off for a while actually when she thought about it, his texts became less and he always seemed like he was overthinking a lot.

Her worry bottled up to a point where she couldn't take it anymore, she wasn't going to leave at all if he didn't tell her what was going on.

"Soo what is going on?" she asked as she sat down in front of her computer screen, Junsoo knew she was serious but he still couldn't get himself to say anything.

"Kang Junsoo if you don't say anything then I am not leaving to that Fashion show," She said sternly, Junsoo knew how much the show meant to Eunmi, she has been trying for years to get in to see it and she finally got the chance to do just that.

"My parents... Eunmi" Junsoo didn't know how to say what he had to say, he knew how Eunmi felt over his parents and he felt that same way but how does he tell her what happened with Dojun without outing Dojun?

"What did they do Junsoo," She said, he could tell she was already angry, he took a deep breath and let it out again.

"Dojun and them had a huge disagreement and they kicked him out in the middle of the night, so he has been staying with his friend, and now something happened again, he has been with me for a little while but I know somethings wrong and I don't know what to do Eunmi, I don't know how to handle this situation..." he trailed off and when he looked up Eunmi was fuming.

"THEY DID WHAT TO MY SON??? WHAT SO THEY TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME WHEN HE IS BORN AND THEN THEY JUST KICK HIM OUT LIKE HE IS NOTHING" She yelled, she couldn't believe it at all... her baby... her little Dojun.

"What do I do Eunmi... do I handle this as his older brother or do I handle this as his father... I am so lost" Junsoo said he felt like crying, he always looked strong, many people never knew the type of person Junsoo actually was, he was soft and very emotional and he hated his parents for the pain they caused him and Eunmi.

But the two didn't know that Dojun woke up at some point to go to the bathroom and as he was heading back to his bedroom he overheard the conversation and he didn't know what to do he was so confused and lost when he heard those words.

He walked into Junsoo's office, with a confused look "Son? Father? Hyung what's going on" he said out loud.

Junsoo spun around in his chair almost falling off and saw Dojun he didn't know what to say and it was the first time Eunmi got an updated look on her baby and she started crying, Junsoo would usually send her photos in secret but since he was away for so long she couldn't see Dojun.

"Junsoo is that him? Is that Dojun?" Eunmi asked trying to keep herself from crying anymore than she already was.

"Dojun... I-" Junsoo said but Dojun looked at him in a way that he knew the younger wanted answers but he wasn't ready to give those answers just yet.

"Are you my father hyung?" Dojun asked sternly and all Junsoo could do is look away, he was scared of what would happen if he said something, he was scared of losing Dojun forever if he said something.

"They say Silence speaks louder than words... I guess they are right" Dojun said before running out.

Everything happened so quick that Junsoo couldn't really react, he knew he ran after Dojun but he lost the younger somewhere along the way, he was in a full panic, he didn't even realize that he left Eunmi and their video call.

He was so worried especially because it was in the middle of winter and they had snow earlier that day and he knew Dojun didn't have anything warm on him as the boy just ran out barefoot and in his pajamas.

He kept looking around but he couldn't find the boy at all, he felt hopeless and his mind was everywhere he tried thinking about what to do. He couldn't believe that Dojun found out in that way... he felt lost and scared... scared to lose Dojun for good.


Dojun was hiding in a small park he found the one day when he was out on a walk while Junsoo was at work, he knew Junsoo didn't know about the place as the older only recently moved into the area.

He didn't know what he was feeling, he was lost and very confused. He wasn't sure what was going on anymore... he felt emotionless and his chest felt tight he knew he wanted to cry he could feel it but nothing would come out, he felt as if he was going to suffocate.

He grabbed his phone he had in his pajama pocket and dialed the first number that came to his mind... and that number belonged to no one other than Felix, he called him not realizing the time at all, all he knew is he needed Felix now more than anything and he didn't understand why all he knew is he wanted Felix at that moment.

When Felix picked up the phone it was quite evident that the boy was asleep, Dojun felt guilty he shouldn't have called the boy...

"Felix..." was all Dojun could get out at that moment.

"Junnie what's wrong?" Felix said, now sounding completely awake.

"Can you maybe come and pick me up? I know it's late but please" Dojun asked him.

"Of course where are you? Send me your location, I will get Chan hyung to bring me since the busses stopped running by now but I will be there soon just stay where you are" Felix said in a hurry, you could hear the boy getting up and running to the door without hesitation.

"Thank you"

When they hung up Dojun sent his location to Felix, he waited for about 30 minutes and then saw a car pulling up to the park, he saw someone getting out of the car almost falling out in the process, the boy ran towards Dojun, and when the boy got closer Dojun saw that is was Felix.

The older boy still had his messy bed hair, he had his slippers on and his pajamas were also a little messy, he wore a thick padded jacket to probably protect him from the cold.

"Junnie" Felix said before he grabbed the boy and hugged him tightly, Felix didn't know what happened but that didn't matter right now, he was too worried about the boy standing in the cold snow with his bare feet and nothing warm on his body.

"What happened?" was the first thing Felix could say, he has known Dojun for a little over a month now and he has never seen the boy like this.

"it's okay if you don't want to talk about it right now okay?" Felix said and Dojun just nodded.

"Here" Felix said and took his jacket off and draped it over Dojun, the younger protested but Felix wasn't giving up.

"Come on Chan hyungs waiting for us" Felix wrapped an arm across Dojun's shoulder and led the small boy towards Chan's car.

The two boys couldn't help but worry and wonder what exactly happened for Dojun to call them in the state he was in.

When they got to Felix's apartment, Felix made Dojun sleep in his bed making sure he placed an extra blanket over the boy before he made himself comfortable on his couch. 

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