Part 10

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It's been two days since Dojun has been staying at Felix's apartment, he told Jeongin that he will be there and that if Junsoo came searching for him just to tell him he wasn't there.

He did let Junsoo know he is safe at least, he just needed time and Junsoo understood that.

But Felix was still quite worried, Dojun still hasn't talked about what happened and the younger has been spacing out a lot. He has been really worried to the point where he took a break from his dance practices, just to make sure the boy was okay.

Today he was planning on skipping again bur Dojun wasn't having any of that.

"Lix I will be okay on my own okay? I am going to catch up on the work I missed okay?" Dojun said to the older boy who was hesitant to leave.

"Okay but if you need anyth-"

"If I need anything I will call you okay? Now go your friends are waiting for you" Dojun said with a small smile.

When the older boy left, Dojun flopped down on Felix's bed, they ended up sharing the bed since Dojun wouldn't let Felix sleep on the sofa and Felix wouldn't let Dojun sleep there either.

Chan and Minho came to pick Felix up for practice. The two were just as worried over Dojun, they haven't known the boy for long but he always seemed like someone who won't just run away unless it was really something serious.

But they were also worried about Felix, the younger seemed like he wasn't getting proper sleep lately even before the whole thing with Dojun happened.

They wanted to know what was going on but the younger always seemed too caught up in his thoughts to realize it.

When they got to the practice room Felix immediately started warming up but none of the others did, he gave them a confused look.

"Aren't you guys going to warm up?" he asked them.

"Not until you tell us what's going on," Jisung said and plopped down on the floor.

"Nothings going on," Felix said.

"We don't believe you, did something happen between you and Dojun?" Chan asked in a worried tone, Felix knew he couldn't get past Chan, he knew the others would eventually drop it but Chan wouldn't.

"It's not like that it's just... I realized something and I don't know what to do"

"Do you not like him anymore?" Minho asked, confused.

"No, that's the problem. I do like him to the point where I think I might actually be in love with him," Felix said and sat down and pulled his knees to his chest.

"But you two are dating so it isn't something that should bother you so much" Hyunjin said looking at his friend a little confused.

"That's the thing... we aren't dating" Felix said softly but his friends still heard him.

"What do you mean you two aren't dating?" Changbin asked him.

"I lied," Felix said he couldn't get himself to even look at his friends.

"You lied?" Seungmin asked, tilting his head a little not fully understanding what was going on.

"I hated going on those blind dates and you guys didn't let me catch a break, when we fought that day I stormed out, I bumped into Dojun again for the first time after I saved him and he listened to me rant about everything, and when I got back you all kept asking me about that photo Hyunjin took and the only thing that came to mind was to tell you I was dating him, I told him about it that same day and he agreed to help me, he said he owed me for saving him"

Felix wished the earth would open up and swallow him whole, he felt so bad that he lied to his friends about all of this and now he had to reveal it like this when he was in the state he was in.

He suddenly felt someone wrapping their arms around him and when he looked up he saw Minho, the older boy looked at him with a small smile and started petting the younger's hair.

"We are sorry we drove you to the point of fake dating someone, we just didn't want you to feel alone when we all hung out, we wanted you to be happy" he said to Felix.

"I was happy... before you all started pushing me on dates, I wanted to find love on my own not with someone my friends thought would match with me" Felix said, his friends could tell he was sorry about what happened.

"So tell us about what you are feeling now" Chan said and moved to sit closer to his best friend, the others all followed close behind.

"He is really sweet and he is adorable, he is going through so much lately, I wish I could make everything get better... The first time I really realized that I actually liked him was when I went on the double date with Chan and Minho hyung and Chan hyung told me that it looked like I really liked him a lot and I replied I did without even thinking about it... But this is all fake, my feelings will just ruin the friendship we built to this point" Felix said his voice cracking a little as he spoke.

"Hey your feelings will not ruin anything, so what if it started from fake dating, you can't tell me he doesn't like you back he literally looks at you like you are his world, he picked you over Jeongin when he ran away" Chan said to him.

Felix knew he might be right but he couldn't agree with it, he was scared he really was.

Their conversation was cut short when there was a knock on the door, Changbin was the closest so he ran and opened the door, there stood two people none of them aside from Felix recognised.

"Jeongin? Junsoo hyung?" Felix said and got up nervously.

"Hi Felix, uhm hyung wanted to talk to you... He Figured that Dojun would be at your place but since he doesn't know where that is he came here to look for you" Jeongin said to Felix.

Felix excused himself and asked his friends to spend time with Jeongin while he talked to Junsoo.

"Hyung I'm sorry I should've told you where he was, I just didn't know what to do. He looked so broken when I picked him up" Felix started rambling.

"Hey it's okay, you were protecting him, he needed space but can you tell him I came to see you, he blocked me on everything so I can't reach him I really have to tell him something it's important" Junsoo said and Felix nodded.

"Of course hyung" Felix said, he wanted the old Dojun back he wanted his happy fake boyfriend back, so he was willing to do anything if it meant the two would talk about whatever happened between them.

"Also give him this, it's clothes he forgot at my place, there is also a letter in here for him" Junsoo said and handed a duffle bag to Felix.

"I will hyung, I hope you guys can talk about what happened soon" Felix said and all Junsoo could do was smile sadly, he wasn't sure Dojun would ever talk to him again.

The two parted ways and when Felix got back to the practice room he saw his friends joking around with Jeongin they were dancing around and that made him smile.

In the end Jeongin stayed behind for practice, filling in the gap they had from a former member who suddenly went to study abroad.

When practice was over Felix went home, when he got home he found Dojun cooking, he could just smile at the sight, he was getting used to having the boy around his place it felt more like home with him around.

"Hey Jun... Uhm here" Felix said nervously holding the bag out to Dojun, the younger looked at him a little confused.

"uh Junsoo hyung came to see me, he said he figured if you weren't at Jeongin's you would be here... He said he had something he had to tell you before it's too late there is also a letter in there for you" Felix said unsure of what the younger's reaction would be.

"Thank you Felix... I will check it out later" the boy said, taking the bag, he put it with some of the things Jeongjn brought over and went back to cooking.

Felix felt confused, the younger had a slight flash of guilt on his face when Felix mentioned his brother but he didn't know why... He wished he knew what was going on. 

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