||Chapter 6~Training Help||

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Thank you guys for supporting this story!! for you're support, you finally get Amanda's point of view of the story! :) Thanks again!
||Amanda's Point of View||
Liz cried for almost an hour. My hoodie was soaking wet but it didn't matter. "Liz just calm down. Take two deep breathes." I tried to make her feel better. She look at me. Her eyes looks like she been hiding something. It was like and ocean, so pretty, but full of secrets. "Please Amanda...don't leave me too. Just, I now realizing that we are not just partners." She whispered. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I now see I can count on you, you're funny, you'll come when I'm sad like now and I know we only met yesterday...but it feels like I known you forever."

She is so sweet. I hugged her tightly. "Liz I feel the same way!" I grinned. "Can I ask you something." Liz said. "What is it?" Liz looked me in the eye. "Can you help me train so I can beat Eli's ass?" I laughed. "Sure." I replied smiling.

-2 hours later-
"So, do you prefer steak or pizza?" Liz said as we walked to the training room. "Steak duh!" "Okay, what about flowers?" Liz asked another question."It's gonna be roses because they are so pretty!" Liz smiled at me."Okay, what about alcohol?" "Fucking Moscato!" I said putting a arm around her. "No! Vodka is better!" "To you!" We both laughed. When we reached the training room I open the door for her.

Then Emma and Izzy walked up to me. "Hey Amanda!" Emma bubbled happily. "Yes what do you need?" I said annoyed all ready. "We were wondering if you wanted to go to the bar that's in this building." Izzy said. "I'll pass, gotta train." "Oh come on! Don't be like a Liz! Wakes up 4:37–" "Exactly at 4:37 A.M." Izzy interrupted. "Always moody about something, never in the mood to talk.." I started to get angry. "At least she is fully prepared unlike you guys. Do you even know how it feels to not be liked by someone, and they constantly does things to make the other person feel bad? No? So I suggest you either apologize or leave me alone."

I slammed the training door shut. "Alright are you ready!" Liz said. "Yeah I'm ready– HOLY SHIT–" Liz had a sports bra on with legging shorts. "What?" "N-Nothing!"

-5 minutes later-
"Come on Liz! Punch harder!" I said motivating her. "AGGGGH!!" Liz grunted. She punched my hand so hard I stumbled back.
Some how, in some way, Liz tripped and fell on top of me. "Well I'm gonna have bruise somewhere..." I muttered. Liz look down on me. "Oh shit! More like on your neck....Shit dude I'm sorry.." she said worried. "Is it bad?" "When you say bad do you mean it looks a regular bruise bad? Or like it looks like a hickey bad?" She smiled weirdly. "IT LOOKS LIKE A HICKEY?!" I yelled scared. "I-It kinda does?" She gulped. "No! AHHH!" I got up quickly.

"I'm going to the bathroom real quick." I said already out the door. "Okay imma go get lunch on the first floor. Meet me there once you are done!" I nodded and literally ran down to the bathroom. "Shit shit! Ahhh! It does look like a hickey!" I sighed loudly and grabbed a paper towel, wet it, and put it on the bruise.

I went out the bathroom miserable. "Hey Amanda!" I turned to see Eli. "What the fuck do you want." I snorted. "Why are you covering your neck?" He asked. "I uh...it's bleeding..." I lied. "Oh, let me help you with that!" He grabbed my wrist. " I don't think— Okay." He lead me to his room. "Hehe..." he took the paper towel of my neck. "You're neck is neck is not bleeding. Is that a fucking hickey on you're neck..." "Whatever you are thinking..it's just a bruise..." I emphasized.

"Oh like I should believe you..." he scowled. He started to touch my waist. "Hey..don't.." I pushed him away. "Yeah I'm not bleeding, and I don't to keep Liz waiting." I walked backwards to the door. He soon came closer touching my waist again, pulling me closer. "Hey I said let go!" I tried push him away but held me steady. He pushed me against the wall. "You see, I can't let you go..I think you'll won't be out anytime soon either..."
Cliffhangers am I right 😔☹️🌚

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