||Chapter 12~ Sleep||

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A little soft NSFW
||Third Person||
They all headed to the hotel. Once they got there they checked in for their rooms. Amanda and Liz's were on the third floor and Emma and Izzy were on the fifth floor.

Liz and Amanda headed to the elevator exhausted. "Tired?" Amanda asked Liz. "Yeah..." Amanda signal Liz to come to her for a hug.

They hugged for a few seconds until Amanda picked Liz up. "Amanda I don't like being picked up..." Liz said. "I figured you didn't want to walk." "Fine but this is the only time.." The elevator opened and Amanda walked out with Liz in her arms.

Amanda got out their key for their room that was only two doors away. She unlocked the door and went inside.

Amanda closed the door behind her and sighed. Liz on the other hand started to kiss Amanda's neck. Amanda went towards the bed threw Liz down.

They closed the space in between them with a kiss. First it was nice and sweet. Then it grew more intense. "L-Liz we have to get ready for tomorrow..."
Amanda got off of Liz.

Liz turned to the side upset. "Come on Liz don't be like that.." Amanda groaned. Liz refused to answer. Amanda grabbed her stuff and went to take a shower.

-a few minutes later-

Liz was walking around the hotel room not knowing what to do next. She saw the bathroom door closed and heard water running.

She had the most sneakiest idea ever.

She opened the bathroom door and quietly went inside. Liz sat on the sink and waited for Amanda to come out.

-7 Minutes later-

Amanda went out the shower. "Hey Amanda where is the soap?" Liz said sarcastically. "I think it's in

Amanda covered up her body quickly with her towel. "Hey..I wanted to see your body..." Liz said sadly. Amanda's face grew red.

"You're acting like I never seen it before." Liz giggled. "Just fucking get out Liz!" Liz got off the sink and kiss Amanda's cheek and left the bathroom.

-3 minutes later-

Amanda got out the bathroom with fresh new clothes on. Liz was sitting on the kitchen stool staring at a wall. "Why are you just staring at the wall?" Amanda asked concerned. "Because I have nothing else better to do." Liz turned to Amanda.

"Well you don't have to be rude." Amanda scolded. "You're hesitating to kiss me aren't you?" Liz teased. "What makes you say that!?" "I can see you are staring at my lips ever time you talk."

Liz leaned in closer to Amanda. Amanda moved closer as well. "Are you going to fucking kiss me or what?" Liz demanded. "Maybe I could if you weren't being such a rude bitch!" "Just shut up.."

Liz kissed Amanda forcefully. Liz stood up still keeping the kiss together. Amanda kept stepping back all the way to the bed.

Liz pushed her down pulling Amanda's hands above her head. "Do you want to know what it feels like to get teased?" Liz asked. "No..." Amanda said in a low voice. "Well then too bad."

Liz left Amanda there while she was getting her stuff to take a shower as well. "Liz you can't just do that!" Amanda yelled. But Liz was already in the bathroom.

-10 minutes later-

Liz got out the bathroom with fresh new clothes to sleep in. Amanda was in the bed watching TV. Liz got in the bed as well. "What time is it?" Liz questioned. Amanda looked at the clock. "It's 3:00 A.M" Amanda replied. "We should probably go to sleep." Liz yawned.

Amanda turned off the TV and the lights. They turned back to back.

-2 minutes past-

"Hey Amanda can you sleep at all?" Liz blurted out after a moment of silence. "No I can't Liz.." They turned to each other. "Can we..you know..cuddle?" Liz murmured.

Amanda hugged Liz. "You're new to this aren't you?" Amanda asked. "Yes..."  Amanda placed Liz on top of her. Liz soon became relaxed and so did Amanda.

"Hey Amanda..." "Hm?" "I love you..." Liz cooed softly. "I love you too..."

They soon fell asleep in less than a minute. The room  filled with silence. All you can hear is Liz and Amanda's breathing softly.

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