Chapter Five Dreams or Memories

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After everything went black in my dream I slowly started to wake up in the real world. As I woke up I took in my surroundings, and saw that Adam and Courtney had backed up and looked as though they were seeing a ghost. "What happened, and are you two okay...?" I asked groggily. "(y-y/n) look behind you," Adam said shakily. I turned around and had to do a double take, because standing before us was a shadow of the pharaoh from my dream, I knew it instantly by the spiked hair on his head. As he locked eyes with me, his burning red eyes seemed to soften and almost became a purple hue. He then broke from his trance and started walking to me and held out his hand for me to get up. Something inside me said I could trust him and I took his hand as he lifted me up. "(Y/N), what are you doing?!?!" Courtney asked panicking. The shadow then disappeared and retreated back to his body, "he didn't seem dangerous, I don't know what it is, but I feel as though I know who that was," I replied. 

After my encounter with the shadow, I requested any and all information on the Unnamed Pharaoh. Within minutes of the request, a man dressed in desert clothing came over with a large book in his hands. "Miss (Y/L/N), my name is Shadi, I have some information on the pharaoh that I think you will find useful," the man explained. "Really? Thank you Mr. Shadi, that's very kind of you," I responded happily. "My pleasure, I heard you were very fascinated with my people's ancient culture, and since you seem to be a respectable young woman, I felt that you would benefit from any help you could get," Shadi told me. "While I am very interested in the culture, you praise me too highly, I am just a simple student looking to learn all I can," I responded. "Nonsense, you have been a true leader to the group of students that came with you, much like the queen you shall read about in this book," he told me further. I simply blushed and prepared to read the book as Shadi took his leave. 

As I began to read the book I couldn't help be feel as though I was being watched. Not just by one person though, I could feel two sets of eyes on me. I tried my best to shake off the feeling and started reading the book. The story goes, the queen that had married the pharaoh was once a common thief and leader of a group of highly trained assassins who were working for the Thief King, whose name had also been left out. During the queen's mission to originally kill the pharaoh, she was overcome by his kind eyes the second she locked eyes with him and realized that she couldn't do it. She then ran to her members of her team that had been part of the mission and tried to escape and stop the attack that was coming. The queen and her two companions however were captured and were placed into prison, and were sentenced to hang by order of the the High Priest. Before the queen and her companions were hanged, the pharaoh rushed to their defenses and ordered them to be placed into the service of the palace. The queen was made the royal servant to the pharaoh, mainly to get information on the Thief King's motives and course of action. With the time they spent together, the pharaoh and queen eventually fell in love and were married. The people were thrilled to see that the pharaoh had taken a bride with a kind a noble heart, and the celebration went on even further when the couple announced they were to have an heir to the throne. However all was not meant to be, for the pharaoh had perished when the Thief King and the rest of the queen's assassin group produced an army of shadow beasts on the kingdom during the queen's ninth month of pregnancy. During the carnage and fire exploding everywhere, the queen perished in the fire. Her body was never found, and the pharaoh was buried with her treasure and vowed one day to find her in the next life. 

After reading the book, which took longer than expected, most of the day to be exact, I grew extremely tired and fell asleep in the library. I found myself in some sort of dungeon, chained to the wall with 'Ashtun and Kasi chained with me. "Mmm, what happened?" I asked. "(Y/E/N), don't you remember? You decided that we weren't going to carry out the mission anymore, just as we were escaping we were caught by that stupid High Priest and a hoard of palace guards," 'Ashtun explained. "Now we are being sentenced to hang, and we should be paraded out of here soon," Kasi said. "Oh, right..." I said somberly. Wait a minute, I dreamt I met the pharaoh this morning, now I am in the palace in the dungeon after reading the book... Why am I dreaming that I am in the same position as the queen... 

Before I could think about it too long, we were dragged out to the entrance to the palace gate, where the hanging gallows were put in place for three people to hang. Taking a deep breath I prepared for what was to come. There is not way that I was going to get out of this, I wouldn't let anyone see any fear on my face though. I fear nothing and I will not allow myself to fear death.  "High Priest, shall we commence with the hanging?" the executioner called up to the High Priest. Before he could answer, the pharaoh came running in, "you do not answer to him, and I do not give any permission to hang these three people. Release them at once, and bring the (h/c) girl to my throne room!" the young pharaoh announced. With a sigh of relief, my companions and I were released and I was sent before the pharaoh. Before I could get to the throne room, I found myself being woke up.

"(Y/N), (Y/N), come on, wake up," I heard Ashton say as he was shaking me awake. "Mmm, what time is it?" I asked bringing myself off the book. "It's 6:00, and Cassie and I figured we should probably come and get you and bring you to dinner," Ashton said. I nodded and got up to go to dinner. 

Atem's POV

It seems my queen is getting more of her memory back and she is helping me get mine back as well. I joined her in the dream world and saw how we met and followed her journey to where we were. I do remember arguing with Seto over how to handle her when she was a thief and assassin. I don't remember what happens after that though. I felt I was getting close until my queen woke up. When I saw her leave, I looked around the room had been in and could see another pair of red eyes were here too. I tried to see who else could be here, but they vanished at the sight of me coming to them. Hmm I wonder who could that be? 

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