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   ----- act one, HIDDEN LIES
Chapter 10. The Tribrid's Gift

2:36 A.M.


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"So...do you..." Jacob trailed off, making gestures to his teeth. 

"Sometimes. They usually only come out when we feed, but mine sometimes do when I'm angry," Astrid's eyes becoming bloodshot as she showed him her teeth, the veins under her eyes becoming slightly more pronounced. 

"I'm a hybrid like my father, well, more of a tribrid I guess. My mother was a human, but was in transition to becoming a Cold One before I was born. My father is a werewolf-vampire hybrid. So, my blood is made up of werewolf and Original Vampire blood, and Cold One venom. I'm the only one of my kind." 

"That's insane," his voice was full of wonder, not a trace of fear present.

"You said your other family has gifts? Like, special powers?" He asks curiously. Astrid nods. 

"I guess they all do. My brother-in-law-" she spat out with distaste. She clearly didn't like him. "-Edward can read minds. It doesn't work on me or other Nightwalkers though. We're immune to Cold-One gifts.

"Bella, my foster sister, is a shield, both from mental gifts and physical ones. It's kind of neat I guess, cause she can't be affected by mental gifts, but like I said, it wouldn't do me any good. 

"My adopted niece, Renesmee, can project her thoughts through skin-on-skin contact. Her gift is the only Cold-One gift that works on me for some reason, perhaps because she's a hybrid like me." Astrid paused in thought for a moment. 

"The Cullen matriarch, Esme, has that maternal air that makes it hard to hate her. She doesn't care who you are. She treats everyone good as long as you don't hurt her family." Jacob smiles at that. 

"Her husband, Carlisle, is compassionate, which in turn helped aid in his near immunity to the temptation of human blood. He's a doctor, so that kinda works out for him. 

"Their other four children have gifts too. Jasper is an empath. He can influence and feel emotions and such. His sort of works on me because I'm still a little human, but I can resist it. 

"His mate, Alice, can see the future. But since I'm a werewolf as well, she can't see my future at all. It kind of upsets her because she can't stand being out of the loop." Astrid rolls her eyes. 

"Emmett, is extremely strong, probably one of the strongest Cold-Ones out there. He's still a little sour at the fact I beat him in an arm-wrestle match at 7 years old." Astrid smiles as she remembers the memory. Jacob finds himself smiling as well. 

"Emmett's mate, Rosalie, is like a supermodel, I kid you not. She's one of the most beautiful people I've seen." She drifts off for a second. "Hers isn't really a power, but it's still a gift."

"Well, I bet she's not as beautiful as you." Jacob immediately turns red at his statement, the shock of it overpowering the temptation of blood for Astrid. She laughs and shakes her head. "I doubt it. Don't tell her that though. She can be kind of vain sometimes, though I will admit that she does have a good reason to." 

Jacob's eyes glistened with new-found curiosity. "Do you have a gift too?" He asks, watching her carefully. 

"Yeah. I have basic compulsion like all other vampires and, this isn't really a power, but I'm apparently extremely charismatic like my father." She smiles absentmindedly. 

"Have you used it..." Jacob trailed off. 

Astrid picked up what he was implying and she shook her head vehemently. "I've never used it on you. You have to understand that I would never, ever use compulsion on you. I promised myself I would never use it on you, and I intend to keep that promise." 

Jacob sighs quietly in relief. 

She smiles at him. "I'm very persuasive. It's different from compulsion because I don't have to compel anyone at all. Most just do whatever I want them to. That came from being a Cold One. I don't think other Nightwalkers have extra abilities." 

Jacob's eyes went wide. "Seriously?" He breathed out. 

Astrid nods before Jacob yawns. A laugh escapes from her, hands clenching when his cheeks turn red. "Someone's tired," she teases, focusing on other things. 

"Tell me how you feel when you haven't slept for two days," Jacob fires back, a smile betraying him. 

A teasing smile shows up on her lips. "I don't need sleep, darling," her English accent slipped out. 

Although he would never admit to anyone other than her, Jacob loved her accent. It was unique- a mixture between an atypical southern accent and a stereotypical British accent.

"I don't like your American accent," he says bluntly. 

A perfectly sculpted eyebrow was raised. "Oh really?" Astrid lays on her side, facing her bloodsinger. 

"I think your real accent is much more beautiful." 

A light blush dusted her face. 

Her smile turns soft when Jacob stifles a yawn. "Go to sleep, love." She playfully pulls him down beside her. 

His smile fades. Astrid knew all too well about the nightmares that plagued his head at night. Her fingers ran through his hair, thoughtfully examining his face. 

A ray of moonlight illuminates them, making the two look absolutely ethereal. 

A ghost of a smile illuminates Jacob's face as his eyes close, his breathing slowing down to a steady pace. 

"I love you, Jacob. More than you could ever know," she whispers, thinking he was asleep. 

Unbeknownst to her, he was not. That night, Jacob Thrombey fell asleep next to the girl he loved with a smile on his face.




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