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----- act two, DANGEROUS TRUTHS
Chapter 16. Elijah

6:45 P.M.


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ELIJAH SIGHED HEAVILY AS HE STEPPED OUT OF THE CAR. He purses his lips and looked up at the sky in frustration when his foot landed in a pothole filled up to his ankle with water.

He sighs, completely giving up on caring. Today was just not their day, was it?

The light sprinkle of rain landed on his skin and hair as he carefully avoided more puddles, not making the same mistake again.

Elijah had successfully tracked down everyone who had seen his niece's display of supernatural capability and compelled them to forget about it- now they only knew that Ransom had been taken away by police after the fact.

Well, almost everyone. There was still the boy who she is so fond of.

No doubt Astrid had already told him about her true nature, but the teen simply couldn't be allowed to remember it anymore.

Elijah shook off the thoughts, brushing away the droplets off of his suit as he went up the steps to the entrance.

But he paused by the pillar when he saw the small figure sitting a little ways away from the sliding doors to the E.R.

The vampire's eyes saddened when he saw the state his niece's mate was in. The boy acted so mature like an adult that it was hard to remember he was still only a child.

This kid was going to die from hypothermia if he didn't get inside. But Elijah had a feelings that the boy didn't care about his wellbeing right now.

It is a sad thing to see one give up on life. But it is even sadder to see a child give up on their life before it had even begun.

Elijah's head tilted to the side in thought, air condensing into quickly-dissipating fog as he exhaled.

Astrid would surely find a way to come back and haunt him if he didn't do something.

Loose shivers of concrete crunched beneath Elijah's feet as he kneeled down beside the kid.

"Jacob, is it?"

Jacob nodded numbly, not looking at him.

"Come inside. You're going to get sick if you stay outside any longer," Elijah says softly.

He slowly turned his head towards him. Elijah inhales sharply through his teeth when he sees how bad of shape the kid was in.

His lips were an alarming shade of blue, and his tears had started to freeze onto his skin. His skin was ashen from the cold, hands starting to get frostbite.

"I don't care," the boy replies numbly.

Elijah's head drops down to look at his feet, shaking his head. "Please? You really don't want to die from hypothermia or lose limbs because of frostbite. It's very painful."

Jacob laughed sardonically, the action hollow and unamused. "None of my family would care anyway," he replies bitterly.

Elijah purses his lips. "But how would Astrid feel?" He knew it was a low blow, but he couldn't have another death he could have prevented on his conscience.

The boy visibly flinched. "Well I wouldn't know. She's pretty much dead," he snapped viciously.

He sighs in defeat. "I know you're angry, I am too. But this-" Elijah gestures you Jacob. "-is not going to solve anything."

Jacob gives him a glare before shifting the parka over himself, putting his hands in his pockets. He gritted his teeth when the pins-and-needles sensation attacked the nerves in his hands.

Elijah gave him a 'I-told-you-so' look, to which the boy just rolled his eyes.

Jacob winced as he got up with Elijah's help. He hadn't noticed the burning pain coursing through his semi-frozen veins before this.

"You're right," he hissed in pain. "It does hurt."

Elijah gave a hum of recognition that he had heard Jacob, making sure he didn't fall as the two walked inside.

Heads turned their way upon hearing the sliding doors open. A nurse shrieked when she saw Jacob's half-frozen state, dropping the clipboard in her hands.

"Good lord, boy! How are you not dead!" She cried as she pulled him gently from Elijah grasp.

"I wish I was," the boy mutters miserably as the nurse pulls him down the hall.

Walking away, Jacob gives one last glance at the Mikaelsons, one that chilled them to the core.

His eyes were bloodshot and emotionless, his entire being just screamed 'I've turned off my humanity.'

Maybe he did. Because Jacob no longer felt any emotion other than an intense grief.


let's pretend it's winter

let's pretend it's winter

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