-𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐚𝐮

193 8 4

This doesn't line up with any of the  storylines at all. Just sayin'. It's kind of an au, almost mafia like.



"Eli! Eli!" She grinned, running into her uncle's arms. Elijah picked his niece up, smiling back at her.

"I missed you so much!" She latched into his neck and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Despite being only 4, the girl had an immaculate vocabulary, her speech much neater than her age would suggest.

"It's been so boring here," she sighs dramatically. "Can we go see Daddy now? Please?" She dragged out the 'e' in please.

Elijah smiled. "What the princess wants, the princess shall have," he teases.

Alethea bursts into a fit of giggles. "My Daddy is a king, so I'm a princess!" She shouts loudly, kicking her legs back and forth. Elijah shakes his head fondly at his niece's antics.

Alethea cheered as she pulled out of his arms and hopped into the car.

17-year-old Isabella Swan stood outside of the house, smiling at her foster sister.

Elijah gave her a reassuring smile, immediately melted away her worries.

As he drove off, Bella's cheeks burned a bright red.

She had seen most of her Alethea's biological family before, and she had to admit it. They were really good-looking, on par with the Cullens (if not more).

She tried to shake off her thoughts as she walked back inside, up to her room.

Immediately, she started scouring the web for clues.

There was something odd about the Mikaelson's that she couldn't put her finger on.

They couldn't be vampires- they looked nothing like any vampire she had ever seen. And they couldn't be werewolves either- they weren't a part of the tribe and, as far as she knew, there were no other werewolves out there.

And something Alethea had said bothered her. She knew the girl's mother died in childbirth, but for some reason her father didn't have custody of her.

The Mikaelsons seemed very well-off. Their pockets ran deep, and their connections even deeper.

Bella had been told about each of them by a...friend of her.

The eldest (alive anyway), Elijah, was a foreign diplomat who was well liked by many countries around the world. Very charismatic, though just as elusive and mysterious as the rest of the siblings.

Kol was serving overseas and had been a big baseball player back in the day. He was a little psychotic, apparently he had much trouble dealing with his anger issues.

The only daughter, Rebekah, was an up-and-coming designer, though she kept well enough to herself. Aloof and old-fashioned, this one seemed to Bella to be spoiled.

And, as she had found out, Alethea's father, Klaus, was a powerful man with dangerous connections.

She had recently been informed that Klaus was only a half-brother to the others, their mother's bastard child from an affair.

Even so, he pretty much ruled the family. With an will and a temper to match, he was a psychopath, charming, but very dangerous. 

There were three others as well, Henrik, Freya, and Finn. Henrik had been killed as child by wolves. Freya had been kidnapped as a child, presumed dead as no one had seen her since. Finn had been disowned by the siblings (betrayal of something, she had heard), never to be spoken of.

Their father, Mikael, was a wealthy landowner in Europe (though both parents had since passed), but their mother, Esther, was much harder to figure out.

Rumors were floating around in certain communities that some of the Mikaelsons were deeply involved in witchcraft, though Bella scoffed at the idea. Witches didn't exist, at least, not anymore. And Magic certainly did not.

But if she were to be honest, she was still scared of them.

Bella's informant had told her that the whole family was involved with the mafia or something, and that anyone who messed with them had never seen found alive again.

So, Isabella Swan, being the nosy, stubborn, danger-magnet teen she is, ignored the dangers and multiple warning signs. She was determined to find out exactly what they were hiding.


After hours upon hours of research, Bella had gathered all the evidence she needed. Paintings dating back to the 13th and 14th centuries of the Mikaelson family had been buried deep in the waters of the web, but she had found them.

They were rough around the edges and they had since changed, but Bella was absolutely positive it was them.

Photographs were scarce, but she had found a few black-and-white ones from well before the 21st century. They still looked exactly the same, more or less. Different hairstyles, clothing, etc.

Curiosity piqued, she cleared her browsing history and shut down her laptop.

Bella say back in her chair, thinking long and hard about who she could ask.

None of the Cullens could know. They were too young most likely. Except... Carlisle. Carlisle must know something about them. The Cullen patriarch knows a little bit about everything.

Picking up her keys, she rushed outside, hurriedly locking the door.

Bella was in a hurry, and wouldn't stop until she had the answers she wanted.

Besides, if all went wrong, the Cullens could protect her. Right?

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