Chapter Nineteen

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Sixth Year

Lenora POV:

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Lenora POV:

When my memory of the last couple of hours returned, to say that I was pissed would be sugarcoating it.

I had sent an anonymous note to the slimy gits, telling them both to meet me in the astronomy tower at midnight.

James had let me borrow his invisibility cloak in exchange for bringing it straight back and owing him a favor for him not asking questions.

So, here I sat, on the cold floor of the astronomy tower, waiting for my guests of dishonor to arrive. Thankfully I brought Pickett and my sketchbook to kill time while I waited.

Just as I'd started drawing the last leaf on my sketch of the bowtruckle, I heard a quiet creak from the door.

"Severus, Regulus, if you would be so kind as to stop lurking, please." I stated simply, never once removing my gaze from my sketchbook. "The whole cloak and dagger bit is getting on my nerves."

"Sorry, Lenora." Regulus apologized, before saying with a chuckle. "Severus is a bit nervous."

"He'd be daft not to be at least a little on edge, Reg." I chuckled, before finally raising my gaze towards the two Slytherins. "The lad literally hexed me to the point of unconsciousness."

"Speaking of that little event," I mentioned before turning an exasperated look towards Snape.

"What the flippity flappity fuck were you thinking, mate? Why did you use your special 'Homemade Hex of Death and Stabby Tendencies' on me?" I asked the raven haired boy with an exaggerated groan.

"I mean I get that you guys have to pretend to hate everything and everyone even remotely related to the topic and existence of muggles and the like, but that was a bit of an overkill."

"I'm sorry, Scamander! They knew that I'd been creating spells and apparently were beginning to get suspicious that we weren't loyal to 'The Dark Lord'." Severus said, a bit mockingly during the last bit.

"Bella suggested that Severus tested out one of his new spells on you, because of your being so vocal about how fucked up it all is." Regulus continued for the other boy.

"Which it is." I snarked with a shake of my head. "They're literally recruiting children and brainwashing them into believing their blood purity bullshit."

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