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Out of more than a million possible outcomes, we only win one of them? That's not reassuring at all.

"Who exactly is Thanos and what are these stones?" I asked.

"The stones are the infinity stones. They've shown up a lot in our history and Thanos wants them. To do what, we don't know. Probably kill off a bunch of us but we can't let him get the time stone." Tony ran his hands down his face.

"Well, like you said he's coming to us, so let's be ready." Strange looked at each one of us.


"So, how are things going with you and Peter?" May asked stirring the noodles in the pot.

My face felt hot, "They're really good. I'm in love with him."

"Young love." May smiled blissfully, "Does he know?"

I shook my head, "No. I don't want to confess and then him not feel the same and feel obligated to say it back."

"Trust me, Peter loves you. That boy would do anything for you." May said softly, pulling out the pan of brownies from the oven that went off.

I smiled at the thought, "I just wish he'd answer my calls right now. He's been gone for twenty four hours now."

May gave me a sad smile and I could see the worry of her own swirl in her eyes, "I'm sure he's fine. He'll be back. He's just off... saving the world again."

I nodded absentmindedly, pulling out my phone to check to see if he had called or texted. Nothing. With a sigh I stuffed my phone back in my pocket.

"How's living in the compound with the others?"

"It's definitely different than what I imagined but it's been really good. Everyone adores Jason."

"What's not to love about the little chunky." May pinched Jason's cheeks. The curly haired little boy grinned, wrapping his tiny hand around Mays finger.

I smiled at my brother, seeing so much of both my mother and father in him.

"How have you been.. really?" May asked softly, turning the burner off on the stove and leaning on the counter.

"It's been hard raising Jason. I just want to be a good example for him. I don't want him to grow up to be like his parents. I want him to have a good life."

"You're doing the best you can with what you have. I'm sure it's a little easier when you have people at the compound helping out and, you know I'm always here." May patted my thigh.

I smiled gratefully at the woman, "Thank you. Peters been really helpful and patient."

"You really do love him."

"At this point I can't imagine life without him."


Doctor Strange sat on what might have previously been plaza steps, waiting Thanos arrival.

"Oh, yeah, you're much more of a "Thanos." Strange commented sizing up the giant.

"I take it the Maw is dead. This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission." Thanos shrugged lightly.

"You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts." Strange raised his hands.

Thanos quirked an eyebrow at the Wizard, "And where do you think he brought you?"

Star Lord crouched behind some wreckage with his blasters at the ready, behind Thanos and to his left; Spider-Man peeked from above and behind Doctor Strange.

Removing My Mask ; Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now