chapter 4

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"So where does this guy live?"Charles. muttered feigning an air of nonchalance.
"What?But that's a shady town shelly.Why would you talk to someone from there?Why does he even come here by driving 6 hours ?"
Honestly i also didn't know the answer to that question.But i didn"t want to cause a bad image so i said,"For work probably."Our town was the elite one with all the rich families.My phone started ringing again and this time it was Ryan.I was so excited and well already gushing with happiness.I said goodbye to Charles  and  started heading out but i looked back at Charles again and it felt like he thought i was crazy or something.I didn't care so i left him there.
Ryan was getting out of his black Porsche and came  towards me when i  opened the door.He lifted me in his arms spinning me around and givng me a soft but firm kiss with his  feathery lips.When i opened my eyes, I took in his handsome face.His hair was deep rich brown.It was styled to perfection with gel.He wore a black tux and God he looked like a GQ model. He was six feet 2 so he towered over me.
"Wow Shelly,you are looking gorgeous,"he said giving me a onceover with his beautiful eyes.He looked at my big breasts (late blooming can cause some serious changes)and grinned like a cheshire cat.I slapped at his big biceps and he laughed.What a beautiful laugh that is!
He opened the door for me and i gave him a seductive smile for his chivalry.Actually he's always respectful to me.But this night i wanted to make it special.We arrived at the town's fancy restaurant Delcour.The reservation was under his name.Well,we were received with great hospitality since the spencer's name was like a brand.We laughed,talked and flirted shamelessly.I left my phone home for tonight.After dinner,Ryan took me to his house and well it was another hot blazing night for us.The chemistry that we shared and the skill that Ryan showed in bed was well the most hottest thing in my universe besides the sun.

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