chapter 6

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I told everyone (keith,Ryan,megan)about daniel that night.They all looked at me with confused and skeptical eyes but then i promised them that i would let them meet with him."Well we could make him a part of our squad if he caught your attention sheldon,"Keith said smiling at me.

I called Daniel to tell him to meet me.But he didn't pick up.So i texted him to meet me at the Keson's Dine.I said i had a surprise for him.He said he'll be there.
We were at that place in the evening.We means keith,megan,charles and ryan.We ordered and started talking. 15 mins passed but Daniel didn't show any signs of his arrival.I texted him and waited.No answer.I excused myself and went outside and started pacing.30 mins went by.No response from him.
I sat with them.There was an awkward silence but megan broke it saying,"So shelly,where is your mystery friend?"
I told them i don't know and there was no response from him.Keith and charles both looked at me skeptically but charles looked at me with something more like i  was crazy.
What was his problem?
I didnt care to give that look a second thought. Ryan said to them it was ok and maybe he was stuck somewhere.
The night went by and we left the diner.But still no response from him.

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