chapter 5

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Ryan dropped me to my house the next morning and he went back.It was  a sunday morning.When i entered i saw mom and dad taking breakfast.Charles didn't return from wherever he was which means i had to do the walk of shame first.But it didn't bother my parents because Ryan was from an elite family and well they actually don't give a shit about me.
I took a shower,got dressed and thought of making a call to Daniel.He gave me a call last night but i ignored.It didn't feel good since he was always there for me.I called him back but it went to his voicemail.Well i told him to call me back.

There was a charity function tonight.Mom and dad told us to dress ourselves.Well Ryan,keith,Megan  everyone will be there.So i was looking forward to this one.I got dressed and picked up my clutch but not before i saw Daniel calling me.This time i picked it up."Hey,what's up?"i said."Not good,"daniel's now not so smooth voice came from the other side.It seemed worried which filled me with dread."Daniel, is everything ok?"
"Yeah it's just my mom.She is in the hospital again."
"I'm coming to Coopertown now,Daniel,"i blurted out without thinking about anything."No you don't have to sheldon.Everything's fine now.It's just i had to let you know since you would be worried for no reason."
Daniel and i had this connection built up  since the last three years. So we were definitely responsible to each other.
"Ok Daniel but please keep me updated,"i said warily "about your mother."
"Sure.Now go on and have fun at the function."With that he cut the call.
I was surprised  and wondered how he had known about the function.

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