chapter 22

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I was typing in the computer when Ryan entered with Cameron in his back. He just picked him up from school. He came from Henkeysork to northville to spend more time with cameron. He stayed in his own condo.We shifted to Northville from coopertown a year after cameron's birth. Its one of the most elite cities in the world. We had the head office of McAllister and Co in here. I lived in one of our condos we had.Mom sometimes lived with Daniel but most of the time she was here.
"There you are.God i missed you so much." I grabbed Cam from his hand and placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek . I never want to make my child feel neglected.
Ryan sat down on the couch and released a breathe. Fatherhood is really exhausting him i guess. But when i looked at him i saw his gaze filled with lust . Oh yeah! I had worn nothing but a small pair of lace panties and a long tank top.
"I m gonna take a nap ,mom. It was a damn hot day at school,"cam mumbled and went to his room shutting the door.
Ryan came towards me and grazing his fingertips in my throat he slowly muttered," I am leaving tomorrow. But before that i want to take you out on a date.
I said nothing.I couldnt say anything. I was lost in his eyes. Well he definitely  meant that as the ultimatum that nothing is left between us.
He pressed a soft kiss on my lips and left me in the room feeling empty. He had been doing his fatherly duties like a pro. My hatred toward him faded sooner than i could've imagined. Even my mom was impressed with the ways he treated cameron.
Sometimes i just wish we could be  same as before. I wished he could be my last. But he is gonna leave me soon and i know he will tell this to me today.

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