chapter 16

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We had been all sitting in Paul's living room in his mansion since the party ended. Daniel told my step brother Charles about everything. At first he was stoic.

"This is nonsense. Dad can never do anything like this sheldon. You and i both know it. You just can't trust daniel.  Do you even know him fully?" Charles asked me with an incredulous expression on his face. Ryan was sitting  beside him on the same couch with a glass of whiskey in his hand a blank look in his eyes directed towards Daniel.
"Don't you dare say anything against him Charles! He has been with me in my worst times and saved me from that stupid asylum you guys admitted me to. Our father is a prick. Just admit it," i yelled out feeling frustrated.
"Sheldon ,calm down will you?"Daniel put his hand on my shoulders.

"We all know the truth and i think enough explanation has been provided. Now it's time for us to leave",Alex said to everyone in a commanding tone. I clutched Daniel's hands and exited the room with him  without a backward glance.
"Sheldon its gonna be okay. Just don't get so angry. Anger can never bring any damn solution", he looked at me with concerned amber eyes. Ahh Daniel my brother! always so caring.
"Yeah ok ." I muttered softly.
We got into Daniel's limo. Alex drove the Lamborghini behind us through the streets of  new york.
I was looking at the empire state building when Daniel said,"So when are you going to break the news to his father sheldon?"
The driver pulled the car as the lights turned green and took a turn from the 57th st. I looked back at Daniel and he nodded giving me the impression he knew about cameron's father.
"I dont know and  i dont care. He clearly seemed disinterested in any kinds of interaction with me."
Daniel put his hand on my hands and looked out saying nothing more.

We reached the penthouse and as soon i opened the door,"Mommy! You're back." Cameron came running towards me. God this six year old is the most adorable thing in this whole universe.
"Yes mommy is back ,cam and she is really tired. How about play with uncle Alex?" Alex chimed in smiling.
They went upstairs and i gave a thankful smile to Alex. Alex nodded back at me.

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