Chapter 10: "Phone calls."

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Chapter 11:
"Blake! Where are you?! I've been worried sick all morning! Please call me back as soon as you can. Bye." One of Ariana's voicemails had said.

Yet, you are probably wondering, didn't you call her back by now? You're a horrible friend. I guess I got caught up with Austin that I completely forgot that my car is still there. But, that doesn't mean I could contain the smile that stay planted on my face all day; since Austin wouldn't stop hugging and attacking me with kisses.

Yes, I'm sure you think it's very cheesy, but, hey, my husband and I started to talk again.

Austin's POV:

I wait for Robert to answer my call; since he's been bugging all night about Blake and I.


"Wait. Are you saying that Blake left you?" Robert's voice boomed through my phone's speaker, since I forbid myself to even touch my phone while driving.

I wipe my faint tears, "Yeah. I mean, could you blame her? All I've been is a complete asshole to her, when she didn't deserve it. Robert, I've been so fucking stupid lately! Gosh, what the hell was I thinking?! I'm so fucking stupid!"

"Austin, calm down, okay? Just go over to Ariana's and work things out. Whether she wants to talk or not; make her cooperate with whatever you have to say." You could hear the determination in his tone.

"Alright," I sighed. "I'm going."

"When you call me back, you guys better have your problems worked out, or else I'm going to beat the shit out of you, Mahone." Robert scolds.

I roll my eyes, starting up my car before pulling out of the driveway.

Hopefully, Blake and I will find our way back to each other.


Blake is in the kitchen, wearing my gray hoodie that I love on her, grabbing the usual things we need for breakfast every morning.

"'Morning," I yawn, scratching my mess of hair, before wrapping my arms around her waist, and burying my face in her neck; planting a kiss there, of course. In other words, just like I used to.

I could feel the heat in her cheeks as I gently place a kiss on one of them.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked, a little smile on her lips, letting my arms stay tightened around her waist.

"Great," I mutter, tracing the tip of my nose around where I kissed her. Or, where I left a faint hickey.
"Last night was amazing."

She hums, "I know."

"Any plans for today?"

"Oh, I need to pick up my car."

"From where?"

"At Ariana's. She's going to start questioning me."

"Let her question you." I place my hands over her cheeks, before pecking her lips.
"Nothing wrong with that."

I grabbed her hand, intertwining my fingers with hers while stroking the back of her hand with my thumb.
"I'll give you a ride."


Blake's POV:

"So, you guys worked things out? Any reason why he was being such an asshole?" Ariana's questions filled my head too fast, it made me dizzy.

"Yeah," I smile, twirling with my engagement ring that I had put back on this morning. And, you know what? I put it on proudly. "Work was really stressing him out and he said he didn't mean to take it out on me."

Ariana rolled her eyes, "Blake, you really believe that? It's absolute bullshit what he's saying. Austin is an asshole."

"Well, no it's not, but-"

"But, nothing. Austin is an asshole and he always will be. You should just leave him and find someone else; someone who will treat you with respect."

Now, she was really frustrating me.

"Ariana, Austin does treat me with respect. And, no; I will not find someone else because I love Austin. Sure, he was an asshole, but he was stressed, Ariana. Stressed. Does that not appeal to you? What else do you want from him?" I pulled my sleeves further down my arms; since I wasn't used to myself snapping at anyone like that.

"Blake! All I want from him is to love you and respect you like the way he should! Do not come back crying to me when he fucking treats you like shit again," Ariana snapped, going into the next room. "Because if you won't believe me now, how are you going to in the future?"

"You know what? Fine. Tell me all this fucking shit that is not true. You don't know one fucking single thing about Austin, okay? So, don't try to make up some bullshit about him. I'm done."

"Whatever, Blake. Don't believe me."

And, those were one of the last words I heard from Ariana in a long time.

Hi!!! So sorry for not updating for about a month! And, sorry to disappoint you with this crappy ass chapter. Comment your opinion and don't forget to vote!

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