Chapter 11: "Doubting you is easier than I thought."

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Robert's POV:

(Please read note at the end of the chapter! Sorry that this is a short update!)

I am currently on the phone with Austin, relieved.

"So, everything okay now, right?" I ask, sitting up in my bed.

"Yeah," Austin sighs. You could hear the smile in his tone. "She's at Ariana's now getting her car?"

"Why did she need to get her car?"

"Well, I picked her up last night, brought her home, and um...."

"You didn't...." I smile with shock and huff at the thought of Austin making love to Blake again. Just like he used to tell me.


"My boy Mahone finally working things out on his own, huh?" I smirk, walking to the bathroom about to get ready for bed.

"So what are you-" I hear a door slam, then soft sobs in the background of Austin and I's phone call.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I hear Austin distantly say.

"I'll talk to you later. Seems like Blake needs you." I say, wondering what she is crying about.

"Thanks man. Talk to you later."


Blake's POV:

"Baby, what's wrong?" Austin asks, worry flashing through his eyes once he sees my tears.

I start up the stairs, but Austin grips softly onto my wrist, causing for me to stop.

"Blake, talk to me."

"I can't right now, Austin." I wipe my tears, pulling out of his hold.

All I remember is me sobbing myself to sleep, while saying "I'm sorry" over and over again. And, hearing Austin's light knocking on the bedroom


Am I making a stupid mistake? Should I listen to Ariana or stay with Austin? I trust my best friend, but I also trust my husband.

What do I do? How can I get through this?

Hi everyone!! So sorry it took me long to update! How was everyone's Christmas?

Also, do any of you guys live in NYC? Dm me or tweet me
Or just comment!

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