The almost people- part one

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The Flesh Doctor screams and twists as he absorbs all the Doctors memories and channels past incarnations.

"What's happening? I wonder if we'll get back. Yes, one day... Aaagh! I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow." The ganger Doctor yelps.

"The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations. Hold on!" The doctor stated calmly.

"Would you like a jelly-baby? Why? Why!?" The ganger doctor yells.

"Why? Why what?" The doctor questions.

"Hello. I'm the Doctor. No, let it go, we've moved on!" The ganger Doctor exclaims.

"Hold on, hold on, you can stabilise!" The doctor states.

Bella starts to walk to the Doctor but Jimmy pulls her back.

"I've reversed the jelly-baby of the neutron flow. Would you like a..." the ganger doctor calls out.

(The ganger grips the Doctors jacket)

"Doctor...Doctor... I'm... I'm the... I can't." The ganger doctor stammers.

"No, listen, hold on. Hold on!" The doctor tells his ganger.

"No-o-o-o!" The ganger doctor yells.

(He shoves the Doctor away)

"Aaaagh!" The ganger doctor screams.


The Ganger Doctor grips his head. The team members barricade the door.

"I think I liked it best when they were being noisy." Buzzer states.

Bella then goes to the Doctor

"Doctor, we need you. Get over here." Bella huffs.

"Hello! It's.... oh. You are. The pond! Amy. Amy pond." The ganger doctor announces. Bella glares at him.

"Wrong pond, that's gonna get me in trouble." The doctor sighs.

"Oh. This is Bella? Of course it is. Silly brain..." the ganger begins to state. Bella raises her hand to hit him.

"No! No! Bella! Don't." The doctor announces.

"You are so lucky." Bella tells both men.

"Cybermats." The doctor just states.

"Do we have time for this?" Bella hisses.

"We make time. I'd like more proof that he is me. Cybermats?" The doctors questions the ganger.

"Created by the Cybermen.They kill by feeding off brainwaves." The ganger doctor replies.

Bella runs back to the door.

"Are you sure there aren't any big guns with bits on?" Bella questions.

"Yeah, big guns would be good right now." Buzzer states.

(Jimmy is leaning against the door)

"Why would we have guns? We're a factory. We mine. Plus. What happened to words?" Jimmy questions.

"I told you the doctor doesn't use weapons. Only words. Never did I say that I had the same morals." Bella replies.

There is then a hissing and smoke comes through the door.

"Acid." Bella calls out.

The Gangers on the other side of the door begin to pound on it. The two Doctors stand side-by-side talking.

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