Chapter # 9

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Every once in a while you get the chance to see something amazing. It may be a movie or for some people, their children after birth. For me, though, it most definitely had to be Taylor in a bikini. I know, I know, it's not the ideal thing to say and its pervy to say the least, but it's true.

She wears it so well, with her boyish frame and whatnot. The way that the fabric hugs the skin of her hips and accentuates the curves that she does have. She looks amazing. And I, on the other hand, haven't even removed my dress. It seems childish, but I was so self-conscious after seeing half the girls here wearing theirs. They look like Victoria Secret models and I look like one of those girls who model for Old Navy or Walmart.

That didn't stop the incessant haggling from the back of my mind that this was a party and whatever imperfections I had, I could let my freak flag fly for one night, but I just wouldn't. In fact, to keep myself warm and to stop glancing at the inviting hot tub, I was sipping on my third drink tonight.

I couldn't help it. I was freezing and to be honest, I wasn't the only one who couldn't keep my eyes off of Taylor. She was in the hot tub with Hannah, of whom I had taken a liking to. Hannah had a white one piece on that had triangular slits in the sides that showed off almost too much skin for me if I wore it, but it looked nice on her. She looked a bit sad though, because her boyfriend had yet to show.

I knew little of the situation, other than that her boyfriend had to work and he was on his way. I think Taylor was trying to cheer her up.  I think. The alcohol in my system was kind of making everything confusing.

"So, you enjoying the drink?" I jumped, almost spilling the entire thing on the guy who had just spoken. I had managed to  spill quite a lot, though, and he looked annoyed. I looked back at the hot tub and sighed. "You want in on that?" He asked me. I shrugged, "Not really." He chuckled. "Taylors hot, right? I've been dying to get my hands on her." I rolled my eyes.

"She's not an object, you can't just want to 'get your hands on her'."  He laughed. "Hey, babe, you're hot too. Want another drink? You spilled most of it." I shook my head. "I can get my own drink." He stepped in front of me.

"You seem kind of moody. Look, I'm not trying to be an ass, I apologize. I just saw a lonely girl off in the corner and decided to give her company." I looked at him. He looked familiar. I think he was from school, but I'm not exactly sure. I took another sip of my drink.

"Sorry. I don't go to these things very often. My boyfriend usually freaks out." I said, hinting to him that I was in fact taken. However unwanted my relationship was I was glad for a second that I could say that and it actually be true. He laughed. "Where is he? If I had a girl as hot as you, I wouldn't let her leave my sight...might fall into the arms of another...far better lover." He touched my cheek and I smacked his hand.

"You can look but you can't touch," I warned he laughed. "Sure, sure." I looked again at the hot tub. Taylor was looking at me, smiling. I waved at her and she smiled even bigger before turning to Hannah and saying something before getting out of the hot tub, grabbing a towel, slinging it around herself and coming over to us.

"Hey!" She yelled. She was drunk already, I could tell. "Hey," I said, drinking the rest of my drink before lowering the cup to my side. "How come you're not in the hot tub? It's lame without you." She slurred. I smiled.

"Anything's lame without me." I said. She laughed loudly and fell into me. I fell into the guy who was staring at us amusingly and straightened up. "Girls, girls, let me make you another drink, okay?" I shook my head, getting a bit dizzy. "," I paused a little as my vision blurred. "No, I'm fine." He looked at Taylor, who had sobered a bit and was looking at me strangely.

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