Chapter # 31

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Talia's POV

Ice cold water enveloped me and slapped my body making everything hurt worse. I felt my lungs burn as I choked down water. I was being dragged down with my hands and legs tied together. I sank down further each second. I was panicking. I was so confused and dazed.

Tape surrounded my arms, making it impossible to swim up to the surface. That was all I thought about doing, tugging and tugging at the tape, trying to loosen it up so that I could slid my arms free of it. I had to get up.

I tugged at the duct tape and struggled against the water. I got my hands free of the tape, not without pain. My arms burned and ached with pain and the stinging of raw skin being tugged at. Once again, I tried to swim up but something was weighing me down. Something tied to my legs.

My lungs were hungry for oxygen. I knew I had to get to the surface. My lungs were going to give out. I leaned down and with numb fingers, I messed with the rope around my ankles.

It was tied tightly and I tried and tried to get the damn knot undone but it was proving to be fruitless. When I was about to give up, it loosened a bit, allowing me to wiggle my legs around a bit. With bloodied fingers, I pulled the rope away from my legs and swung my arms out and kicked my legs out.

I swam to the surface gasping as soon as my face was out of the water. I coughed and spit up water and blood. I looked around me frantically. A rock was about 20 feet from me. I began swimming towards it, wincing as my legs and feet scrapped against other rocks.

The water got shallower and shallower until I was crawling through a kiddy pool of water with a bed of sharp rocks at the bottom. Once at the rock I heaved myself on it as waves crashed into my body, pushing me against the jagged edge roughly. I wrapped my tired arms around the rock to keep from falling off.

I sputtered and gagged on water and blood.

I was going to die down here. I was going to die and I wasn't going to be found. I let out a choked sob. The water would drag me under and the rocks would grind away all memory of me.

It had to be hours. The hot sun beat down on me. My body ached and then burned. The tiny little aches turned into sharp pains. My mild migraine had turned to unbarable pouding that clogged up my ears and blurred my vision whenever my heart beat. My ribs felt broken, as did my right ankle. Every open wound stung with the salty water. My arms were tired of holding me up on this rock, but it was all I had to cling to. All I had to hold onto. My life support.

I heard shouting. I heard splashing and then I felt someones hands on my shoulders. They were big hands, but they were soft. Different.

I heard more shouting and this time I caught the words. "She's alive! Help me get her on the boat!" The voice was muffled, like there was a towel wrapped around my head and it was strange, like everything was moving in slow motion; especially sound. More splashing and then I was being lifted off of the sharp rock. My body felt entirely broken.

"It's okay now, you're okay. Let go of the rock; we're going to help you."

I felt myself being tugged up, hands were all over me. When I was finally out of the water, I was dragged over to something soft, something cushioned.

Someone was in front of me, but my vision was so blured I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy. "Are you alright?" I couldn't respond, my head felt like it weighed a ton and my body was limp. I could't move my lips even if I wanted to.

"Of course she isn't alright! Get her some damn blankets, she shivering!" More movement, but I only felt dizy. I started to fall but someone caught me.

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