Chapter # 30

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Talia's POV

I was jolted awake as my head slammed into something hard and metal. I cried out and tried to steady myself and hold myself in one position, but my arms were stuck together and didn't help me much, only pushed me back a little. It was dark and compact in here.

The constant humming of tires and the ocassional bump and turn. The stereo vibrating against my back with a steady beat. I was in the trunk of a car. I screamed. I screamed and kicked the side of the car with all of my might but it was no fucking use.

I was in the trunk of a car and I couldn't get out and I had no idea what was going to happen. Tears leaked from my eyes as I screamed and screamed.

"Let me out! Please let me out!" I screamed. I beat on the lid of the trunk with my fists until I knew they were bleeding.

"Please help me!" I screamed but my voice gave out and I settled for sobbing and turning on my side, burying my face into the uncomfortable floor of the trunk.

I wanted to believe I was going to make it out of here alive. I wanted to hold onto faith. I wanted to make a big escape and I wanted to live. I really fucking wanted to live.

I wanted my family and I wanted Taylor and I wanted to forget all about this and Lucas and the pain between my legs and the moisture there that I just knew was blood.

I had never thought about my life being ripped from me. It was always a given that it wouldn't be me in a situation like this. I wanted to convince myself that I was both book and street smart, but I wasn't.

A smart fucking person would have told someone the moment he put his hands on them and watched as he was arrested and then live theirs lives remembering the time they were almost a victim to an abusive relationship.

Everyone knew abusive relationships in high school never went good. Someone got hurt and someone got pegged as a terrible fucking person the rest of their lives.

I knew that I was the weak little girl who didn't know how to defend herself. I knew I had a part in this and I regretted keeping it a secret.

He was going to kill me. He was going to kill me and he wasn't going to care who he hurt when he did that.

I wanted my mom. She woudn't be able to hear the news. My stepdad. My brother. Evan. He had to lose his mom and sister? Taylor? She fucking needed me. She needed me and I wouldn't be there.

I screamed again. Just to scream. There was no purpose. I just sceamed out my sadnes. My pain. My hurt. My angry. My frustrtion.

"Mommy, I'm so sorry," I whispered and I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head.

The car stopped. The car stopped and I opened my eyes, my heart pounded painfully into my chest. I heard a car door slam. And then another one.

He wasn't alone. Someone was helping him? A key was inserted into the lock on the lid of the trunk. It was turned and then pulled up. I saw a flash of Lucas. He looked scared to death and then another guy. A huge muscular tattooed guy. He held something.

A metal flashlight?

He brought it down on my head as Lucas screamed at him to stop.

Unknown POV

"What the fuck did you just do! She was alive! She was fucking alive! You killed her! You fucking killed her!" I shouted.

He slapped me. "Get your fucking head together, Luke. It has to be like this, help me with the weight, okay?" I shook my head while fresh tears escaped my eyes.

"This is wrong." I said. "Yes, Lucas! It's fucking murder! That's what I do, I kill people!" I flinched at his tone but helped him get the weight from the back seat and watched as he brought her legs, once so tanned and perfect, now bloody and bruised, out of the trunk. He tied the rope around her ankles.

"Get her arms, I'll get her feet." He instructed. I went to get her arms. her face was bruised too. Her eyebrow was bloody and cut, her lips chapped and split, her cheeks puffy and tear tracks and dried blood marked her skin.

Bruises covered her skin. Her hands were bloody and so were her wrists. I had done that to her. I had hit her. I had ruined her. She wasn't pretty anymore. She was just a bruised and battered girl.

She wasn't the fucking Talia I knew and loved. She was different now. She was dead. She was broken. I wanted my Talia back. I wanted her to yell at me and tell me how much she hated me. I wanted her to wake up and demand that I untie her.

But she wouldn't. I let out a sob as I grabbed her and together, we dragged her over to the cliff.

Down below the water crashed against the rocks. If we dropped her straight down, there was a chance that she would land in the pool of water surrounded by the jagged sharp rocks.

There was a chance that her body wouldn't turn out more broken than it already was. It was slim. But I was hoping.

"Lucas." I looked up at him. "Yeah?" He sighed. "Look, kid. This has to be the last time I get a fucking call from you. You've had your fun. You like to watch them squirm and you like to chase them down, but that's it. She's the last one. You have to let this obsession go."

I nodded. "I know. I loved her though." He only nodded and huffed as he swung her feet over the cliff. The weight was kicked off of the edge by his foot and I had to let her go.

I let go and watched her drop like a bag of rocks.

"Shit, there's a boat out there, let's go." He said and pulled me with him as I started at the cliff, wanting to follow her down. Wanting to go with her.

I had loved her. That's the difference between her and the other girls. She was perfection where they had just been lovely. She was beautiful and smart and charming and sexy and she was perfect. Her laugh, her voice, her hair, her hands. She was perfection and I ruined her.

I should be enjoying this. I knew how to ruin beautiful things. Everything I touched turned to shit and I used to enjoy that, but not anymore. It was getting old. It was getting really old.

I just wanted her back. But she was dead now. Really dead.

More tears fell as I climbed into the car and he sped off down the road.


Uh yeah so I'm still sick ugh.

CHAPTER 30??!?!? 

Wow I feel like not long ago I had terrible writers block after chapter four haha.

I can't be live my baby has to suffer like this ugh I feel like a terrible creator!!

Anyway bye! Thanks for the votes/comments/reads!!!

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