Chapter # 11

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Talia's POV 

Lucas said to arrive at 12, but it was 12:30 when I knocked on the door. I was shaking with nerves and fear because of what had happened the last time I was alone with him. 

I didn't want a  repeat of last time. 

The door swung open and he stood wearing jeans and a T-shirt. "You're late," his tone was low and angry and I swallowed. "Um, yeah, I had to help out around the house before I left," I lied. 

"You could've texted." I nodded, "Yeah well...I didn't, so," he grabbed my arm and yanked me inside, slamming me into the wall, making my head bang against it painfully. 

"So next time, you'll fucking remember, won't you?" I pushed him. "Stop hurting me, Lucas!" I yelled at him. "You don't own me!" He laughed. "Darling, you don't get a say in who owns you or how I talk to you. Yell at me again and you'll understand just how badly I can hurt you." 

I glared at him, my hand on the door knob. "Who are you? You're not my best friend anymore and-" 

"I was never your best friend, you little tease! I had to cozy up to you just to touch you and even then you didn't give it up. Now that you're mine, I get to do with you whatever I'd like." He smiled at me and I shook my head. 

"No. Agreeing to be with you wasn't like signing over my soul you twisted fuck! I agreed to be with you because you cornered me and you know that. If you think I'm going to have sex with you, you're dead wrong. I wouldn't touch your dick with a ten foot pole you creep." I opened the door, but it slammed shut and I saw his hand on the door. 

I felt dread settle in the pit of my stomach as the next few seconds were spent in silence. His anger was immense and seething and I could feel his breath traveling down the nape of my neck, feel it rustling the baby hairs there and closes my eyes choking back tears. 

I had never feared for my life, but I was so afraid in this moment. Anything could happen. The anticipation was agony and I thought about everything he could do to me in only a second. Everything he could throw at me. It was a lot. I had picked the wrong time to get mouthy with him. 

The right time would have been the first time he had showed this side of him in the cafeteria at lunch or even earlier than that, when he kissed me even when I struggled to get him off of me. 

I should have stopped him when he held my hands to my side and pinned me against my locker. I should have seen the signs. I should have stopped this all from happening but I hadn't and now I was going to pay the price for my stupid oblivious attitude. 

As if on queue, the back of his hand slapped sharply against my cheek. I slumped against the wall with tears prickling and falling from my lids and sobs erupting from my mouth, bubbling from my chest without permission. I tasted blood in my mouth, and before I could do anything, he had hit me again, his hand coming down on my face again. 

I cried out and fell to the floor, covering my face with my hands, pulling my legs into me. He pulled me roughly back to my feet, though, and shouted at me fervently. 

"You came here to study. Get your ass to my bedroom. Now." He muttered dangerously. I shook my head, whimpering. The last thing I wanted to do was go to his bedroom. 

"Fucking do it!" He shouted at me again. I flinched and let out a choked half sob and scurried passed him and went to his room, standing in the middle of the floors aching and dying to get away from him. I heard the door slam shut and jumped, turning around. 

"Get your books out. Study, are you daft?" He walked over to his bed and threw himself down, pulling his books towards him, starting on his homework. 

I sat on the edge of his bed and reached into my bag, fishing for a pencil. My hands were shaking so badly I came up empty and tucked them under my arms and shivered.  My head felt like it had been split open by a lightning bolt but it was most likely a reaction to having it slammed against the wall so hard. I shut my eyes to the harsh light of his familiar room and felt a sick quaver run through me. Down my spine and to my stomach and back up to my brain. 

"Talia, my patience is running thin. If you want to keep that pretty face of yours get your damn books out and act like you want to be here." I reluctantly reached for my bag with violently shaking hands and took out a book and flipped it open to a random place before staring down at the pages like they were written in hieroglyphics. 

The words blurring and ran together. Stacked on top of each other and written backwards and written upside down. I was so afraid that I couldn't even read. Was that even possible? 

After about an hour or what seemed like an hour had passed, he shut his book and slammed it down on the floor. "All done. Now we get to study my favorite subject." He snatched my book from my hands. They felt stiff and out of place without a book, something stable and there to hold onto. 

They were starting to tremble again and it took effort to clasp them together. His hands slide through my hair, pulling it back so it fell down my back, away from my neck. I felt his lips, rough and disgusting against my collar bone and then his hand working its way to my right breast.  I was too shocked to stop him. I was too afraid he'd hit me. I just wanted my best friend back but even that was a fabricated lie. Would a girl like me ever make friends? 

He worked his lips up to my jaw and then the corner of my mouth. I hid the repulsion and let his hand creep underneath my shirt and molest my other breast. 

It didn't feel good and it didn't feel right. I felt sick to my stomach of all of the things he was doing and was planning, still, to do to me. 

My phone rang. I let it ring and he made no movement to stop the ringing. When it stopped my heart sank to the bottom of my torso, drained of blood, of life. It felt mute in my chest and I felt the hollow echoes of my heart beat. 

It started up once more and his hold on my breasts tightened painfully. I almost let out a whimper. "Answer it." He mused, anger deep in his voice. I fumbled for it in my bag and when I finally got it, I answered, a slight tremble in my voice. 


"Where are you? We had plans of going out tonight, I need to you watch you brother." My step dad's voice pressed. "Oh, um...I'm at Lucas's right you want me to come home now?" I asked with closed eyes, feeling the eyes of my abuser boring into the side of my head. 

"Is there something wrong?" He asked. The grip on me tightened and I fought off a yelp. "N-no, I'm fine," I answer. 

"Get home right away." 

The phone went dead and I dropped it into my lap. "Daddy wants you home, huh?" I didn't respond. He let go of me. 

"Rain check." He muttered, pushing me away. I got up and went to his door with my bag and book clutched to my chest, as if to protect me from being violated anymore. 

I left him without saying another word, only letting the loud, ugly sobs spill out in the confides of my car. 


Here's another one!

This ones a bit...well, you know. Hope you guys liked it though!


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