Chapter # 13

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I knocked on the door and waited for an answer, shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably. My head was throbbing and I felt like I could crash at any moment. 

I wasn't sure I could be of much help to Taylor in this condition. But here I was, stupidly acting like I could handle anything thrown at me.  Never mind the fact that I was breaking. Never mind the fact that I couldn't comprehend Lucas' need to hurt me. I didn't know what to do about him. I could tell the police, but honestly? I didn't feel up to talking about it because I didn't understand any of it. 

Why was he doing this and what made it okay in his mind? Lucas was so smart and he had so much potential. He wouldn't do this in his right mind, would he? How good did I really know him? Did I even know him? 

The door opened and I jumped. Seth stared at me with sympathy in his eyes. "Here for my sister?" I nodded, staying quiet. He swung the door open wide and held his arm out, gesturing for me to step inside.

I stepped inside and just as I was walking past him, he grabbed my arm gently. I still jerked back. "Hey, look, if you need me to help put that asshole in his place just say the words." 

"I would never ask for your help." I meant to sound mean, but I didn't have the energy. I was a bit deflated at the moment. I didn't know what to do, exactly. I wanted help. I wanted out. But I didn't want to ask for it and I didn't want Seth to be the one to do it. 

He held up his hands. "Okay, jeez. I was offering it because he seemed serious about hitting you a-" 

"Oh, like you weren't." I seethed. "I was a kid who picked on the pretty girl in his class, sue me." I cross my arms over my chest protectively. I didn't need  any more boys thinking I was pretty. "You used to hit me." 

"Like I said, I was a kid. And that doesn't make him or me hitting you right, you know. It just means that guys have a tendency to walk all over you and you have a tendency to let them." 

His words hit hard. It wasn't my fault. I didn't bring it on myself,  I just didn't have the will to stop it from happening. Mostly because I couldn't. Lucas scared me and he would get tired of his stupid little game soon enough. He had to. 

"No. Leave me alone. I don't need you to-" 

"Hey, you're here." Taylor said as she rounded a corner, holding her phone in her hand. "I was just calling you," I looked at the ground sheepishly. 

"Don't bother. My phone is broken." I made my way over to her and took her arm and started to drag her up to her room, where we had gone the last time. 

Once we were inside it with the door closed I collapsed onto her chair at her desk and set my bag down with shaky hands. I hid them from view in the big pocket of my hoodie and stared at the ground, at the carpet, wishing it would swallow me up whole. 

"What were you and my brother talking about?" Taylor asked. I looked up at her. She wasn't looking at me; she was staring down at her feet with her arms around herself. Her blonde hair was up in a high ponytail, as it usually was and fly always were sticking up crazily. Strands that she missed were starting to twist themselves back into their natural form and framed her face.  She was so beautiful. She was beautiful and she had less to care about in the world than me. Her mom was a total bitch but after she graduated, that was solved and she would get to leave her mother far, far behind. 

It made me happy that her pain was almost over. It made this a little more bearable to know that someone I cared about wasn't completely doomed to be sad like me. 

She had hope and she knew what she wanted. Well, not really, but she knew what she didn't want. I just knew what I had to want. What I ought to want. What I should want. "Nothing." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh, come on. Don't lie to me." I shook my head. "I'm not. I would never lie to you." She smiled tightly. "Sure. Want to teach me some stuff now?" Her voice was light. 

I nodded. "Uh, yeah." I dragged myself out of the chair and absentmindedly sat beside her on the bed watching her get her books out.  Only halfway through her homework, she got a call. She looked at me sheepishly but answered it. 

"Hello? Hey, Hannah." That was the girl who had thrown the party I had been sexually assaulted at. A shutter ran down my spine. 

" know what, why not? I'll be there." She hung up and smiled down at me. 

"Let's get out of here. Let's go have fun, come on." She grabbed my arm and pulled me up to my feet. "...Go...where?" I asked. She turned to face me, stepped forward, took my face in between her hands and kissed me hard on the lips before letting me go, leaving me standing there feeling stupid. 

"I've wanted to do that all day. Come on." I put my fingers to my lips in a daze as she tugged on my arm, dragging me out of the room. 

I liked this side of Taylor. The fun loving side. The side that got drunk and kissed me and laughed. I could get used to this side of her. 

Now I just had to dig up my old self again, because I missed her, and I liked her too. 

(seems short to me, so sorry if it is but I think that's how they're going to come out now)

Okay so this is a Christmas update, sue me. Please.

I've just been writing this story nonstop and I'm in chapter overload and if I don't upload I'll go crazy. I feel like for the past two days I've been living life vicariously through the lives of my charaters, I just love them so damn much.

So here you go, sorry for updating on Christmas, I know you've got families and shit haha.

Thanks for the votes and stuff, hugs and kisses for all!!

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