Chapter 6: Mental Snap

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Bonnie stares at you. You're in a better mood so you seem more relaxed while sleeping and he's able to get closer to you, now holding your hand. You both ended up staying the whole day at the slum with Roxy, and for Bonnie, it was a day well spent. He got to mingle with everybody and see you smiling with no issue. The cherry on top was that he got to carry you back here on his back which is the most loving interaction he's had with you so far. The mere feeling of you nuzzling into his shoulder with your arms wrapped tightly around him will be enough to keep him going for days.

"Bonnie..." you mumble, rubbing your eyes.

"Morning, cupcake."

You mumble and sit up, throwing your legs off the side of the bed to stand up but Bonnie grabs your arms. He pulls you back so you're completely on the bed and sitting in front of him, making sure the two of you are close and holding hands.

"Y/n, we need to talk," he says.

You look up at him and nod, concern taking over your mind. "About what?"

"About... Us." He squeezes your hands.

You sharply inhale and squeeze back, slowly nodding. Bonnie makes sure that his eyes are locked onto yours so he can see any kind of glint or spark or anything since you can never hide completely how you truly feel.

"It's just that... I've been gone for so long and I can't help but feel that things are different between us, relationship-wise. For me it only felt like I was asleep for a couple of hours" He looks off to the side. "I-I can't help but feel and act like it was a couple of hours but you... You were left alone – all by yourself – for ten whole years so you probably moved on from everything that happened... I still love you as I always have but... Do you....still love me all the same?"

"Of course I do, Bonnie."

"Do you really?" He looks deep into your eyes. "You've been through so much, sweetie, I don't want you to give yourself more pressure over something that you don't feel anymore."

You take a deep breath. "I know that it's hard to believe that I still feel the same way I do after ten years of thinking you were dead, but trust me when I say that I do. Every day I hoped that you would return and now you finally have. When I hugged you that day I felt how I did all the way back when you couldn't talk... I still love you. I always have and I always will."

Bonnie stares at you. The majority of him believes you but there is a very small, tiny, fraction of him that has doubts. He'd be beyond happy if the love is still there since you mean everything to him, but it would've been better – healthier – if you had moved on at least a little bit in the time he was gone. It would have saved you so much heartache, especially since you had more important things to worry about.

"Well..." he starts, "how about we have a day out today? Just us, spending time together. Hm?"

You smile, looking up at him, showing the certain look of excitement Bonnie knows so well. You shift closer to him and wrap your arms around his waist and he instantly pulls you closer. The room is quiet but it's a good quiet finally so neither of you has any problem with merely sitting still for a moment and holding each other, with hands that are laced together, slowly tilting from side to side.


Bonnie doesn't know if he'll ever get used to how people look at him. It's not as hard to bear now because he's distracting himself with the feeling of holding your hand and talking to you – even if it's about nonsensical topics that don't last long. Though he's focusing on you as best he can, it's inevitable for his eyes and mind to wander when he notices small disputes happening between animatronic and human. They are all stopped before going too far but it's still concerning due to the frequency of the arguments. Sometimes he'll catch someone looking like they're about to start something up with him but decide against it once getting a better look at him. It doesn't stop them from glaring in pure disgust. They look Bonnie up and down, trying to see if he's infected and then just...stare...and stare. Such hatred is hard to catch when only looking for a few seconds and from a decent distance, but he knows it's there, telling him he's just like every other animatronic – not deserving to be out in the open all happy like.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now