Chapter 12: Just Like The Rest

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Break. Bonnie sits up abruptly, eyes wide and mind pinned on you. You aren't next to him in bed nor with him in the whole room. He stiffly turns his head to look around the room before jumping out of bed and rushing out the room, not bothering to change. He just wants you. His vision constantly shifts from clear to blurry as he rushes downstairs and he can't feel the floor beneath him, but despite all these hindrances, he easily makes his way around the house so he can find you. Or try to at least.

"Y/n!!" he yells.

He stands still while intently listening for a response, eyes subtly shaking. Nothing. Bonnie growls before rushing off to another area of the house as he curses the size of the mansion. He keeps running around, calling your name and only sometimes stopping when he thinks he hears something. Occasionally, he'll black out and then find himself in the centre of a random room, standing still and staring at the ceiling but none of that slows him down.


There's a noise – a door opening or closing – and Bonnie abruptly looks to where it came from. You walk around the corner.

"Was that you yelling, honey bun?" you say, concerned.

"Y/n!" Bonnie exclaims.

He runs up to you and wraps his arms around you tightly, rubbing the side of his face against yours. As he does, he starts to feel more stable. He can feel the floor, he can feel you against him and his eyes aren't as shifty anymore. You are holding him back, just not remotely as tight, and there's an obvious tenseness in your shoulders which Bonnie tries to soothe by holding you closer than you already are. It doesn't disappear though, but he refuses to let you go.

"Bonnie..." You move your hands behind your back to try and get him to let go. "I need to...check something."

There's some shakiness in your voice and Bonnie mumbles, ignoring you tugging at his hands.

"What's wrong?" he says.

You sharply inhale when you hear his voice. "Just...let me go."


"I need to see something." You start pushing his shoulders.

Bonnie reluctantly loosens his grip on you so you can lean back but he still keeps one hand on you. You press the button in his back.


You shift uncomfortably and grab his face to make him look straight at you. You use two fingers to hold his eyelids open on his left eye and stare at him. His eye is shaking, even though it's barely noticeable, and his pupils are slightly different sizes. With your other hand, you reach down and jab your finger into his hip, biting your lip as you brace. You feel awful for doing this but you have to. He doesn't even flinch at the jab, however, and just keeps staring at you. You take a deep breath and reach for his neck. You push your fingers into it, through all the wires and metal bits, so you can feel the centre of it and Bonnie watches as your face drops, mouth opening and closing like you're trying to talk with no voice.

"What's the last thing you remember?" you ask, quietly.

"Um..." Bonnie thinks. "I don't know."

It's strange. He still has all his memories but he can't pinpoint a single one. It's all just one blob. He knows what the last thing he can remember is, but he can't picture or explain it as it's just sort of stuck in his mind.


You stare at Bonnie as everything shatters around you. It can't be. You frown and shake your head before grabbing his wrist and yanking him to start moving. He tries to protest since he doesn't want to go outside but you ignore all that and keep dragging him along, not caring about anything else, not even the fact he's still in his nightwear.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now