Chapter 17: Blind To It

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It's a strange feeling. Well, a lot of things have been feeling weird lately but this may be the biggest, probably because it's physically done something. Bonnie didn't really prepare for it but, then again, how would he have done so? It's not something that usually has a set schedule so you know it's coming. All he really did was count. Count the days, hours, minutes and seconds. Unfortunately, all those days, it was raining so he was stuck inside not really able to do what he was planning to do, which was make the most out of each day. It was still nice, of course, and he got all the enjoyment he needed cuddling up with you throughout all of it. Now, however, he doesn't know what to think. He can still do most of the things he wants to do but there's only one thing he doesn't have anymore. How important that thing is differs from person to person, and Bonnie doesn't know his own opinion yet. He'll make one soon enough though. Maybe once it returns back to normal – in some sense – he'll know how he feels about it. Has he been taking it for granted? Most likely, since as he opens his eyes and sees absolutely nothing, he's already hating everything. It's alarming at first, as you would expect waking up with no vision would be, but it just turns into some sort of annoyance as he thinks about all the things he now can no longer see, specifically your face. It's only going to last for a week, however. A week Bonnie feels is going to be very long.


Slowly, he moves his hand across the bed to see if he's alone, all while hoping he is anything but. A slight panic hits him when his hand reaches the edge without feeling anything but the blankets. You promised.

"Y/n?" he says in desperation.

"Yes, Bonnie?"

Oh, the relief.

He sits up, looking to where your voice came from, which was seemingly the desk in the corner of the room. "Can you come here?"

The sound of a chair moving and footsteps fill his ears and on instinct, he holds out his hands which don't even last a second by themselves as you grab them before sitting on the bed. You tut when you see his eyes, completely blank.

"I can't see anything."

"I know. It won't last though, remember?"

Bonnie mumbles as he runs his thumb across your hand. It's more sensitive than usual and he can seemingly feel every little part of it, every hair, every bump, everything. It's oddly calming for some reason.

"I won't be able to see your face." He slides his hands up to your shoulders.

"It's only for a week."

"Too long."

Carefully, Bonnie moves closer to you before wrapping you in a hug. He can't even picture things in his mind so all he has is your touch and sound. You sigh and return the hug, which makes Bonnie hum contently as he nuzzles into your shoulder. You're so warm. That's a new thing he notices. He doesn't feel anything within himself, so he doesn't feel cold nor warm, which just makes hugging you even better.

"Do you want to stay here or go out or what?" you ask.

"I want to stay with you."

You nod. "Ok, um. Well, how about we stay home today so you can adjust to being blind and we'll go from there. How does that sound?"

All Bonnie does is nod, still clutching onto you like there's no tomorrow. He dreads the day when he does this for the last time. It's not necessarily death itself he fears but rather the thought of losing those he loves. He doesn't know what happens when anyone dies so these fears may be in vain but the same could be said for the other side of the spectrum. Things like you go onto the next life, reincarnation, or something along those lines is what he doesn't like as it means everything he's built up will be worth nothing. All the memories, relationships, thoughts, and experiences will be gone in an instant. He doesn't want that. He'd prefer if there's a choice of sorts, so if you want to start a new life you can but if you don't then you simply don't. Dying would be easier to handle if that was the case. Maybe it is, he doesn't know. He hates not knowing.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now