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Hopefully, this is a book worth reading for you guys! There is a slight trigger warning in this chapter, but I will notify you when that comes. You don't have to read this chapter, but a lot of the things in this chapter, will explain a ton about the characters and how they got to where they are. If you are easily upset or triggered, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!  also, really long chapters! gives you something to do during quarantine or summer vacation or something like that idk😂 enjoy the book!



     Magic. A very powerful and dangerous thing to possess. It can destroy hundreds of kingdoms in only a few minutes and can wipe out entire armies within seconds. Magic is precious to anyone who possesses it. If you're like me, born with these powers, your life is probably awful. Even being the princess of a powerless kingdom called "Leven", is not all fun and games as the storybooks say.

     You see, Leven was originally ruled by my grandfather, King Dansen. Everyone loved him and his plans for the future of Leven. He was the most loyal ruler to his country and was so kind to his people. He would give to the poor and those in need of money and shelter, he would even let people come into see him at the palace if they were in need of something. Everyone adored my grandfather and his generous ways. I admire him and always have.

     However, my father grew up hating how my grandfather was so loving and kind to those in need instead of accepting the fame and glory for himself. One day, when my father was out in the village, he met a very unusual girl. What was so unusual about her was her beauty. She had raven black hair and flawless pale skin that brought out her vibrant, blue eyes. She wore a ripped up, burgundy and cream dress and no shoes. My father fell in love with the girl and when he became king, he married her.

     Together, they had two children. A boy, the next heir to the throne and a girl who would lead behind her brother. They named the boy, Luka and the girl, Riverlyn. Little did my father know, my mother was hiding something huge from him. She knew that he became a power-hungry king and would do anything for it. She understood that both of her children would be in danger if he found out that they too had powers of their own. So, my mother did something very risky. She took my brother and I into a small room and attempted to seal our powers. However, my father walked in the room as she was doing so, and became extremely angry.

     Rumors spread fast about my mother's abilities, but never anything about her children's magic. The village called her a witch for many years until my brother and I were around the age of nine and eleven. My father had had enough of the riots that would take place outside the castle walls. He threw me and my brother in a room and told us to stay in there. He locked the doors with four guards to make sure we wouldn't escape. My brother and I were scared as to what was happening. We heard a guard outside the window that faced the execution yard, yelling all of this stuff that my mother was accused of.

     My brother and I went towards the window and looked at what was happening. It was getting dark out, so there were a lot of torches that were illuminated. My brother held my hand in fear and I just stared at the scene in worry. That was when we saw a guard, escorting my mother to a post. We realized what was happening as the guards tied her up to the post and the people threw clothes and dry grass and sticks around her. The look on my mother's face was frightening. She was terrified because she knew what they were about to do. I sobbed and so did my brother, who was trying to be strong for my sake. That was when it happened.

     (Trigger warning)

     The executioner poured alcohol around my mother and then threw two torches at the dry wood in front of her. The wood immediately caught on fire and my mother's screeches and screams still echo in my mind to this day. I remember how Luka covered my eyes so that I couldn't see what my mother looked like while she burned, but it was pointless. I screamed out the window to stop it, but no one could hear me. My brother hugged me as I stared out the window, sobbing, and told me that she was dead. We cried for hours and were emotionally unstable for months. Still to this day, I am very emotionally unstable.

(OK You good now)

     A few years later, my brother was trying to make me laugh because I was having a hard time with our father, who had become hateful towards us. Luka heard me crying and then hugged me. He put his forehead on mine and sang to me while he did a kind of magic that lets me calm down. He didn't have to sing, it was just a way of distracting me and calming me down while he did the magic to me.

     That specific magic that Luka had used on me, was part of a special bond that him and I had. You see, Luka and I are not all human. Our mother was half Devlios, which is basically half devil and half spirit. However, our mother used her magic to make herself appear human so that she could try and live like one. My father, being human, did not know that my mother was a Devlios. He just saw that she appeared human, and that she was beautiful. Because of our genes, my mother's powers were given to us. However, something went wrong when my older brother, Luka was born.

     Little did my mother know, the King, her husband had made a deal with the devil the very night she went into labor. Our father was so power-hungry, that he allowed a little over half of his genes in his future children to become Devlios, in order to gain more power over Leven. Again, what our father didn't know, was that his children were already a quarter Devlios. Our genes ended up making us a five percent human, twenty-five percent spirit, and seventy percent Devlios. When our mother died, she was able to seal away a little bit of our powers in our memories so that we wouldn't get in trouble.

     One day, my brother and I were scolded and put in a dark room for a day because we used magic to help with our chores. Our father came in and had the guards do terrible things to us that left many scars and bruises. He let us know that next time we used magic, we would end up just like our mother. The problem with our magic, was that at that time, we were only eleven and thirteen years old, so we weren't in complete control of our magic. After our punishment, Luka came over and did the comforting magic to me again and sang softly to me. I calmed down a bit and he hugged me. 

(Trigger Warning) (Okay, some of this next part is important to the story, but if you don't want to read it, this whole story probably isn't good for you to read...)

That moment was very peaceful to us, that was until our father caught Luka using his magic and immediately started yelling and beating him while I tried to stop it.

     My father finally agreed not to kill Luka, but instead, Luka had to leave the castle and live on the outside of the kingdom walls where the outcasts were. On the other hand, I was brought to the torture chambers, where I basically lived. Not to work there, but to be punished whenever I looked, spoke, breathed or sneezed in front of my father. At first, the torture was excruciating and never-ending. I would write letters to Luka, but never saying anything about living in the chambers or being tortured. A few years later, my back was covered in scars and bruises. I even had one burn in particular that Luka and I both shared. A circle with a big and sloppy "WC" in the middle of it, going outside the circle a bit, was burned into our chests on the left side, close to our collarbones. The "W" stands for "Witch's" and the "C" stands for "Child." Our father says that it was because we inherited too much of our mother and none of him, even though he could have prevented that mistake. 

     As of now, it has been seven years since Luka left the castle, and seven years since I have been in this chamber, being beaten for at least ten to thirty minutes a day, three times a week depending on who was my guard for the week. Every time we had a ball, or went to a party, my father would force me to have at least two bodyguards in case I said anything about what life was like at home. I would be forced to smile and pretend like everything was perfect, when really, it felt like death would have been a better option for me than to continue living my life like this.

     I couldn't continue to live like this, but there was no way out. I was alone. No mother to guide me and sing to me, no brother to protect me, no father who loved me, no friends since I wasn't allowed out of the castle. I was alone. I thought that was going to be my life forever. Until the Blood-Moon Gala came around...

(Good for my second prologue I've ever published? Please let me know!)>>>

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