Chapter 16:

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 In the middle of the night, I had dreams that turned dark very quickly. One moment I was riding my horse with Luka and my mother and then the next moment, I was being torn away by two guards. My father's face was mangled just how I left it, but since I was in my human form, it scared me. Normally when I am in my Devlios form, my emotions completely disappear, so I feel no sympathy towards the person that I am hurting. However, once I return back to my human form, all of the guilt floods my mind, thus causing horrible nightmares. In my nightmare, my father trapped me in the torture chamber and all of the years of abuse flashed by in seconds. I felt the pain, emotional and physical. I remember killing three guards because of how scared I was when I was first thrown into that chamber. The concrete walls and ground were so cold and the next thing I knew, I was being cornered into a wall and guards were pouring alcohol all around me. I then saw my father standing in front of me with that same sadistic smile of his, holding a match, throwing down on the ground as the flames went up and I was engulfed by fire.

I screamed before waking up. Kovit sat up and quickly grabbed my shoulders and brushed the hair out of my face while talking to me to calm me down. I ended up being defenseless against his sweet words and he pulled me into his chest and I cried. Luka came running into the room and saw that I was crying and Kovit was holding me and trying to calm me down. Kai came in after Luka and then walked over to me and put his hand on my head. After my blackout, I looked over at Kai and he looked so sorry for me. He looked over at Kovit and then while I was in Kovit's arms, he put his hand on Kovit's head and transferred the memories to his mind so that he would know. I was shaking so badly and Kovit was trying so hard not to cry with me. I hadn't told Kovit everything... I felt something light fall on my head as I buried my head into his chest. I looked up slightly to see that Kovit's eyes were streaming with tears. I looked over at Kai and asked what he did through the look alone.

"He needed to know everything, Riverlyn. I did what needed to be done." Kai said before him and Luka both left. I wouldn't say I was mad at Kovit... I was just scared that Kovit would be scared of me now that he knows the whole truth. I parted from Kovit and then got under the covers and pulled them over my head. I didn't want Kovit to see me as anything different than a normal person. That's all I ever wanted to be and for the first time in my life, Kovit was the first person to treat me like a human and not an animal with benefits. Under the darkness of the covers, my heart was racing fast. I was too worried.

I stayed quiet until I heard sobs coming from Kovit. I peaked my head out from under the covers and saw Kovit with his head in his hands and for the first time, I saw him cry real tears. He looked over at me and I went back under the covers. I didn't think that he would cry over my past. He was the one who wanted me dead in the first place. I know he loved me before he got stabbed, but would he still love me now? Even after he knows what I am and where I really came from?

I saw a hand pull the covers off of my face. I turned my head away so that Kovit couldn't see me as hurt as I was. I know Kai had the best intentions... but was it worth sharing my experience with Kovit? Kovit stood up and walked over to me and then picked me up. He looked like he was going to do something that he wasn't sure if he should be doing. He carried me out of the room and down the hall and down a flight of stairs. He brought me to a room that had a big metal door. He put me down and then looked me in the eyes.

"Kovit... I'm scared. I don't like it down here." I told him. He intertwined his fingers with mine and then opened the door. He pulled me inside and then closed the door behind him. The room was huge. It was made of concrete which reminded me of where I was forced to grow up. That was when he pulled me along with him and I hesitantly followed. As we walked, I started to see weapons all along a wall and whips and chains that were all over the floor and tables. I stopped walking when I realized what this place was. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this... was the torture chambers of the castle. I backed up when I saw a table that had straps attached to it. Tears fell down my face as my breathing became more violent and I started shaking. I fell to the ground and Kovit picked me up again. I looked at him dead in the eyes. "Please... don't hurt me." I told him with a shaky voice. He smirked and then brought me to the table that was over in the corner of the room, illuminated by candles and torched.

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