Chapter 4

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After a long time of riding in the wagon, we finally made it to a little cabin with vines and cobwebs all up in the windows and walls. We got out of the wagon and Kovit looked at me before throwing the dress of mine on the front step of the house. I was a little confused, but I let him do it. He poured alcohol all around the dress and put sticks all around it. Memories were flickering in my head of the guards setting up to burn my mother. I stood back as the smell of wood and alcohol burned in my head, reminding me of the rotten smell of burning. Suddenly, Kovit grabbed a match and threw it on the dress and it immediately blazed in flames. I fell backwards and it made me fall against the wagon. My breathing was heavy as I remembered the screams and smell of burning flesh and wood from the fire.
Kovit saw how terrified I was and then led me to the wagon and sat me in it with a blindfold over my eyes so that I didn't have to see. I cried as I remembered everything that had happened. Kovit got back in the wagon and we started back on the road again. I know that Kovit doesn't quite know how to comfort, but he did by giving me the blindfold and putting me in the wagon. Eventually, I fell asleep on the hay, with Kovit's cloak as my blanket.
    After a while, I woke up to see that it was getting dark outside. To be honest, I liked it being dark outside, I liked it being light outside. I loved outside in general since I had only been out a few times in my life. I would hear stories from James, but other than my imagination, I had no view of the outside world. I shivered, realizing that Kovit had taken his cloak back. I sat up and put my legs in my dress and held them close to me. I pouted but then turned around to see Kovit wearing it. I put my arms on the back rest of the seat next to Kovit and I pouted.

    "Do you have another cloak or blanket that I can use?" I asked. He sighed in annoyance and then turned to me with a glare that stared into my soul.
    "If looks could kill..." I said before turning back around and sitting in the hay, trying to cover myself in it to keep me warm. It was silent for a bit and I hummed songs to myself quietly so that Kovit wouldn't lecture me about it.

    "There's a town up ahead, we will stop there and get some food before we keep going. You can get some new clothes and a cloak there too if you want." Kovit told me.

    "I don't have any money." I said. He threw me a small sack of gold drachmas. "Where did you get all of this?"

    "That's for me to know and for you to use. There is a lot more where that came from." He said. I just sat in the back of the wagon in confusion, but a bit happy that I was free to buy whatever with this money. I was not sure exactly how to use it, but I could figure it out! We finally made it to the marketplace in the village and we both got out. Kovit told me not to put on my mask since this is an independant village that has no ruler and therefore nobody is looking for us there. He said that it was easier to hide in plain sight than to look suspicious and walk the village. We parked the horses by a cafe and tied them to a stake. I practically fell out of the wagon since I am shorter than most nineteen year olds. I quickly got up and then waited for Kovit to lead the way. We went inside the cafe and stocked up on food for the trip. "You can go to that shop over there. It has dresses and shoes for you to wear. Hopefully something warm for tonight." He said. "I am going to be over there and get some more food for the horses." He said before attempting to walk off.

    "Actually.." I stopped him. "I have no idea how to count or use money..." I said to him shyly. I was slightly scared that he was going to call me stupid wretch or something like that. Instead, he rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with him.

    "You can come with me, and then we can go get your stuff." He said in an annoyed tone of voice. I smirked a little bit and then followed him. I was only happy because I was able to be outside, not because I was being dragged along with a moody assassin with little respect towards women.

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