Chapter 10:

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Sorry for making y'all wait so long! I have two chapters to upload this time! Enjoy!



I looked at the stars that were now fully visible. I loved the stars and how they shined no matter what darkness came over them. It only made them shine brighter. I laid down on the hay that was laid by the fire and put my arms behind my head. The sky looked so hypnotic and beautiful. I closed my eyes and remembered how Luka and I used to make up our own constellations when we were little. I suddenly felt a presence come up and sit next to me. I refused to look over and see who it was.

"Relax, it's me." I heard a voice that was not Kovit's. I sat up and looked over to see who it was. Kai sat beside me with his legs held tightly to his chest. I took a deep breath and then relaxed a bit before looking at the stars again . "Luka told me about your little crush on the dark prince." He said. My head snapped in his direction. My entire body tensed up when Kai told me that.

"Kovit wasn't around was he?" I almost yelled. That was when Kai started laughing hysterically. I looked at him with a scowl and my eyes glowed red. I stared at him but he didn't take me seriously. I grabbed his arm and made him look at me. "Look. You can never tell Kovit okay? You have to promise." Kai started laughing even more. I was getting irritated.

"I don't have to!" Kai laughed before pointing over my shoulder. I slowly turned my head to see a very shocked looking Kovit. I screamed so loud internally, that my screech sort of came out of my mouth a bit. Kovit smirked and then messed up my hair with his hand.

"That's a good one River." He said before walking away. My heart broke into a million pieces. Kai watched it happen and then his gaze became sorrowful for me. I hugged my knees to my chest as a tear fell from my eye. Of course, the one time that I fall in love, I get rejected. Kai saw my tears falling and then rubbed my back. He then got up and went to Kovit.

"Go comfort her. You hurt her." Kai told Kovit. Kovit was extremely confused.

"What? What are you talking about?" Kovit asked with a smirk.

"She's hurt because you just rejected her to her face." Kai tried to get his point across to Kovit, but he was still as oblivious as always. Kovit stared at Kai, trying to process what he had just said. Kai just sighed and then lost it with him. "Can't you see that she loves you?! I know for a fact that you have feelings for her as well! You're just too cowardly to admit it! Riverlyn is over there crying because she thinks that you don't feel the same way that she feels about you!" Kai lectured. Kovit's face finally got the point.

"What do I do?" Kovit asked. Kai facepalmed and then pointed at me. "I can't do that after I just rejected her, she will hate me!" Kai pushed Kovit in my direction.

"I seriously doubt that." Kai added before pushing him to my side and then taking Kovit's arm and wrapping it around me. Kai pushed me into Kovit's chest and then he walked over and put Kovit's other arm around the front of me. "Now comfort her." Kai said before walking off. It was so extremely awkward between me and Kovit for a moment. I felt uncomfortable and so I attempted to get out of Kovit's forced embrace. Once I thought that I had managed to get out of his embrace, I felt a hand drag me right back down to the position I was in before. I looked up at Kovit and then sighed.

"You don't have to be like this just because I technically and accidentally asked for it." I said to him. He kept a straight face and looked up at the stars as he held me close to him.

"You remember how I said I don't know how I feel about you?" Kovit said. I nodded and he looked down at me. "Luka talked to me earlier. He knew that you liked me and told me about it. I didn't believe him until I heard you say it to Kai. I didn't want to believe that someone as beautiful and strong as you would be able to love a broken and unprepared man like me. In that case, I played it off and took it as a joke." Kovit said. I looked up at him and then put my hand in his.

"Are you kidding?! You saved me from a potential life in hell! Yeah, you are a little rough at times, but you're getting better! I can tell that you try hard to be good for me. I just didn't think that you would recognize that in yourself, so I was beginning to give up." I suddenly told him. Kovit looked down at me. "If anything, I don't know why I even bothered with trying to love someone again. I'm not a perfect princess that every guy dreams of." I said with my head down. Kovit immediately stood up, grabbed my hand and ran into the woods at full speed with me struggling to keep up, behind him. "What was that fo-" Kovit cut me off by pinning me to a tree and kissing me. I was beyond shocked. As much as I wanted to, I didn't believe that he might have had feelings for me as well. Kovit let go of me and then looked me in the eyes.

"You may not be what every guy wants, but you're what I want and what I need. I didn't realize that until I decided not to kill you." Kovit said to me directly. My face heated up to a high temperature. I sunk to the floor once I felt my knees buckle up on me. I heard a chuckle come from Kovit.

"If you're teasing me, it's not funny..." I said. Kovit put his hands on the sides of my cheeks and then crouched down in front of me. I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes and immediately got lost in them. "Stop doing that... it's mean..." I told him. Kovit then kissed me again and then pulled me into a hug.

"I would never tease you about something like how I feel towards you." He said. I just began to cry. I hated him so much in the beginning, yet I would die if he wasn't in my life. He means the world to me, I just didn't know how to explain it. When Koda kissed me, all of my worry melted away. I didn't want it to end. I had never felt this kind of love before, he made me feel safe and secure with myself and with other people. I cried so hard into his chest, that I got his shirt soaked with tears. "It's okay to let your feelings go sometimes. It's okay not to be okay." He said to me. I just let it out and Kovit sat there comforting me for the next three hours. I ended up falling asleep in his arms and he had to carry me back to the wagon. 

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