Chapter 11:

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Y'all things are bout to get real intense so if you don't like blood or stuff like that, again, this is probably not a story that you should be reading. ANYWAYS!! Enjoy!



The next morning, I woke up laying in Kovit's lap while he sat up, eating bread and jelly. I didn't feel like getting up, but I was hungry on the other hand. Ronan was the one in the front seat, leading the horses. Leah sat next to him while Luka and Kai were in the other wagon, talking about who knows what. When Kovit noticed that I was awake, he stroked my hair behind my ear and smiled. I loved his smile. Even though we didn't see it much because of his dark and mysterious vibe. Sure, he did look like he could kill you with one look and it's not like he can't do that. However, there was something else there that not many can see in him. I can tell just by looking in his eyes that he doesn't want to be like this. He wants to be happy and free from whatever he went through in the past. I want to help him get through it. He doesn't know how to relax and how not to worry so much about everything that has already happened. When Kovit smiles at me, or even just smirks at me, I see hope in his eyes. I see the fact that there is still hope for him and that he has such a desire to access that freedom that he has longed for for so long. If you think about it, Kovit and I are the same. We both hang onto our pasts but keep going anyways, fighting to survive no matter the cost. We both want to achieve the freedom that we need to keep living. Now that I'm gone from my kingdom, things are just so different.

"You okay Riverlyn?" Kovit asked me. I nodded and smiled. I thought about what my father could be doing right now. Kovit got my mind off of it by putting his hand to mine and his dark magic resonated with mine as his hand glowed blue and mine glowed red, creating a purple glow from the outside. I smiled as this cheered me up. All of a sudden I felt a pain in my chest. The pain wasn't like an actual pain, but a really uncomfortable source of something pulling at my powers. I sat up and then looked at Luka who was in the back. He looked at me with the same look in his eyes as he held his chest. "What's wrong? You and Luka are acting strange." I got up and crawled over to tap Ronan on the shoulder.

"We need to hurry up. They're close to here and they know where we are." I told him. Ronan looked confused and Luka crawled over to our wagon that had been attached at the front of their wagon to the back of ours. Leah looked a little scared and I didn't blame her. Kai and Ronan switched places and he took the lead of the horses while Ronan went and comforted Leah. Luka replaced Kai's spot in the wagon and told Kai everything that was going on. Kai understood immediately and went a different route to the border. I stayed close to Kovit and he put his arm around me to comfort me.

"What is going on?" Kovit asked. I looked at him in pure fear and I think he got the gesture.

"My father found us and he's using some form of magic to track Luka and I. He knows where we are and he's hot on our tracks." Was all I told Kovit. His eyes widened as his grip on me just became tighter at the thought of someone hurting me. At that moment, I promised myself that I was not going to let my father and his guards do what they did to me and my brother.

I heard rustling in the bushes and our wagon stopped so that we could hear. Kovit and the other boys were looking around. However, Kovit was using all of his six senses (his magic including as one of them) to figure out what was going on and who was watching us. I felt metal on my fingers. I looked down to see that Kovit had handed me a gorgeous dagger. The blade was made of Onyx and the handle was made of wood that was sealed in a thick layer of dark silver and it was studded with crystals. I held onto it tightly as he took out his favorite sword. A Jian sword made entirely out of Biotite Mica and black quartz. The handle was studded with crystals and blue gems that seemed to glow when he touched it. Kovit held my hand tight as though he were not planning on letting go any time soon.

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