Chapter 18:

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A few months later, I woke up to see Kovit's sleeping face next to me. I smiled and then I heard a knocking on the door. I rolled my eyes and started to get out of bed, when Kovit's arm snaked around my waist and pulled me back to him. I smirked and then turned to him.

"Kovit, It might be important." I whined to him. I tried to get out of his grasp but he wanted to be a baby that morning and so he just tightened his grip on me. I finally stopped struggling, and looked at him. "You're impossible, I hope you know that." I told him.

"Yeah, but I'm your problem now." He mumbled sleepily. I sighed and then raised my eyebrows at him.

"Can I at least tell them that we are sleeping in?" I asked. Kovit finally let go and I hurried up and got dressed into a robe so that I wouldn't show my underdress. I walked to the door and Kai was standing there, looking a bit out of breath and pale. "Kai... what happened? Did you run a marathon or something?" I asked him. He laughed at my comment but then had a very serious look on his face.

"I found something... I think you and Kovit need to have a look." He said. I looked over at Kovit who was listening, but still half asleep.

"We were kind of planning on sleeping in. Can it wait?" I asked. Kai pursed his lips and then suddenly looked worried.

"I'm afraid not. Just hurry up and get yourselves presentable." Kai told us before running off. I sighed and closed the door and went back to Kovit. I laid back next to him and then poked at his face lightly until he woke up. When he wouldn't wake up, I kissed him. He smiled and attacked me in kisses. I laughed harder than I should have since, Kai knocked on the door again. "Hurry up guys!" Kai yelled. Kovit and I looked at each other and laughed before getting up and getting dressed. I ended up wearing a pink dress and Kovit didn't care what he wore so he ended up just wearing what he always does; black shirt, black pants and a whole bunch of other black stuff along with his weapon belts.

"Do you even consider wearing another color?" I asked him. He smiled and shrugged.

"They don't call me "The Dark Prince' for nothing, sweetheart." He said before waiting for me to walk out the door first. I rolled my eyes at him and he threw my cloak over me and put my hood up and then held my hand before we went outside to where the others were. When we walked out to the front steps of the castle, I saw Leah holding something in her arms. I went over to her and she turned around. I saw that she had a baby boy in her arms. He looked like he was around a week old and he hadn't been taken care of very well. Leah handed the crying baby to me and then stood back a bit.

"What happened? Where did he come from?" I asked immediately. I looked down at the baby who had instantly stopped crying once I held him. Leah looked down and over at Ronan who had a piece of paper in his hands. He opened the letter and then handed it to Kovit.

"We don't know who exactly the mother is, but we went to the village, and what your father destroyed... we found the mother dead under a pile of burnt wood, protecting a piece of paper that was to the baby and to the royal kingdom. We think that the father must have been slaughtered trying to protect the baby and his mother. The villagers found the baby, still alive, under his mother's corpse that was hovering above him so that nothing would hurt him." Ronan said to us.

"The villagers told us to take the baby with us, back to the castle and to take care of him and raise him as a servant, just like his mother wanted for him." Leah added. I held the baby and tears formed in my eyes.

"Let's just bring him inside for now. It's cold and rumors might start." I told them. I handed the baby to Kovit and he held him so gently. Luka looked at me the same way Kai did the whole time Kovit was in a coma.

"What are you going to do with him?" Luka asked me with his brows furrowed at me. I smiled softly at him before taking a deep breath.

"We will know what to do with time. For now, I need you and the others to see if this castle has any baby stuff of Kovit's or anything like that for the little guy." I told Luka. He nodded and walked away quickly. I went to the living room where Kovit stood by the window with the baby, rocking him to sleep. I smirked at the sight of my assassin holding a fragile baby. It's not something you see everyday. I walked up to Kovit and rested my head on his shoulder.

"We can't just raise him as a servant or a guard. It wouldn't be fair to his mother." Kovit told me.

"What do we do then?" I asked. Kovit sighed and looked down at the baby.

"Name him." Kovit said plainly. My eyes widened. "Our coronation is in two weeks. If you and I bond with him over those two weeks, maybe he could grow up as more than just a servant or a royal guard." Kovit told me. I held his hand that wasn't holding the baby.

"You want to adopt him as the new prince." I said. He looked down at me.

"I don't know Riverlyn. It was almost like a message from the heavens... like he was meant to be here with us. If you don't approve, we can raise him as a guard, but if you do want to keep him, I would be elated to be his father figure." I could tell that Kovit really wanted to keep the baby and to raise it as his own. I understood that since I had dreamed of having kids one day, but not so suddenly like this. We just got married! I smirked at Kovit.

"Do you think we are prepared for that kind of responsibility?" I asked Kovit. He smiled a soft and loving smile at me.

"We can try. I have a few elderly maids with children who can help us and give us advice if we need it. I'm sure we can do it." I smiled and then kissed him.

"Good. Because I don't think I could ever get separated from such a beautiful baby like him. It was almost like how I fell in love with your hidden personality, I fell in love with the mystery and beauty of this baby. He has a grand future ahead of him." I said to Kovit. He smiled and then hugged me. I then took the baby from him and then sat on the couch by the fireplace and Kovit sat next to me. He put his arm around me and then smiled at the baby.

The next two weeks, we still couldn't come up with a name for the baby and so Luka and Kai as well as Ronan would call him things like "the kid", "mini-Kovit" or "the assassin in training." Kai and Luka came up with the last two and I didn't really appreciate the assassin one, but who am I kidding, I married a killer. No wonder the mother wanted the baby to be here. Kovit said that the mother's note said that she knew all about Kovit and what he did. She felt like her baby would be safer under his protection and with my love for children, I would be a good caretaker for the baby.

One day, I was reading a book to the baby and I spotted a name that really caught my attention. Once the baby was asleep, I walked him to the study room where Kovit was making plans for the new garden that we were going to dedicate to the baby once we adopted him. We made the decision to adopt him a few nights before since we both fell in love with the baby and couldn't imagine sending him away or raising him as anything but our son. I rocked the baby and walked over to Kovit who was sitting at his desk. I tapped him on the shoulder and then he looked over at us and smiled. I sat in Kovit's lap and then held the baby close to me. Kovit out his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder.

"I think I came up with a name for him." I said to Kovit. He slightly looked at me and had a small smirk in the corner of his mouth. Kovit sighed and then looked down at the baby and played with his hand while he was asleep.

"What do you think we should name him?" Kovit asked me. I smiled and then told him about the story that I was reading to the baby as he fell asleep. I was reading a book of legends and myths to the baby and decided on a name, but I wanted to bring it across to Kovit before making anything final.

"Well... I was thinking of naming him-"


haha cliffhanger...... gotta love those...

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