Chapter 19 (FINAL)

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Leah busted in the room with Luka, Ronan and Kai behind her.

"We tried to stop her... but she can run!" Ronan exclaimed.

"I heard something about you naming the baby? Tell me all about it!" Leah said loudly. Kai covered her mouth with his hand and then pointed at the baby who was sound asleep. "Oops... sorry Riverlyn." Leah said in a quieter voice.

"So what did you decide on naming the baby?" Kai asked. I looked at Kovit and then wrote it on a piece of paper so that he could read the name before I told anyone for sure. After a few seconds of him looking at the name and then the baby back and forth, he smiled at me and then kissed me.

"It's perfect for him." Kovit said. We smiled and then looked at our very impatient audience. I rolled my eyes at them and they all sat there like a bunch of hungry puppies, waiting for food.

"So?" Ronan asked excitingly. Kai nudged him with his elbow and Ronan whined like a dog.

"We decided on naming our sweet baby boy..." I lead on before looking at Kovit and smiling at him.

"Emory Rowan." Both Kovit and I said in unison. Emory was the last name of a character in a legend that I read and Rowan was Kovit's middle name. Ronan, Leah and Kai all got excited and then went to congratulate us for finally figuring out a name for our newest member to our tiny dysfunctional family.

That night, we decided to have a small party for Emory to celebrate his naming. We all had a good time and Kovit may or may not have gotten a bit drunk and Leah took the baby while I tended to my not so smart husband. That night was... eventful... to say the least.

The next morning, Leah knocked on the door and this time Kovit was the one to answer. He had a pounding headache, but heard the sound of Emory crying on the other side of the door. Kovit opened the door to see a very sleep deprived and not very happy Leah, with a crying Emory in her arms."

"Your highness, I am sorry to disturb you... but before I lose my ever living mind, please take your kid." Leah said in a very on-edge tone. Almost like if we responded, she would snap and we would all be dead. Kovit took Emory from her and he stopped crying immediately. Leah slowly turned around and walked off back to her room. Kovit looked at the maid and rolled his eyes.

"Make sure nobody disturbs her... if they go to her now, they might never come back..." Kovit said. Kovit walked towards me and kissed my forehead before laying Emory in his crib that was right next to me. I was half awake, so I reached out and put my pointer finger in Emory's tiny little hand. I smiled until I felt Kovit's arms around my waist. "Your friend is crazy." He mumbled into my shoulder before falling back asleep. I smiled softly before humming to Emory and Kovit before falling asleep myself.

Nobody bothered us that entire morning because of Kovit's little drunken show before I took him back to our room. Anyone would have guessed that his hangover would be the worst... and they would be right. Kovit woke up and then threw up in a bucket and then immediately got a migraine. I ordered a maid to get water for Kovit to drink and a cold towel to help with his fever from getting sick afterwards. When the maid came back, I tended to his hangover symptoms. Later that day, I heard a knock on the door. I told them to come in and Luka walked in the room to help with the baby. Kovit was asleep on my lap and had his arms wrapped around my waist.

"How's our oh so powerful King doing?" Luka joked. Kovit groaned and then I felt his temperature.

"I'm going to die~" Kovit mumbled dramatically. I brushed the hair out of his face and rolled my eyes at his unbelievable behavior.

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