Chapter 6:

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I immediately got down and then stood behind Kovit before realizing what the mark was. I saw the circle with a messy 'WC' in the middle and I put my hand on Kovit's shoulder. He blocked me before realizing that it was me who touched his shoulder. I just stared at the boy without looking away.

"Luka?" I said to the boy. The boy tilted his head and I moved my dress out of the way so he could see my scar that matched his. His eyes widened and he dropped his sword.

"River..." He said before walking towards me and I started crying before I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. He hugged me for the first time since we were young and it was a magical thing. I looked up at Luka and his eyes were watering. "I thought you were dead! How... when did you escape?" Luka asked. I smiled brightly and then looked over at Kovit, who was so extremely confused as to why I was hugging a stranger.

"Kovit... he tried to kill me at first, but he got me out of the castle and decided not to kill me. In fact, he's been the first nice person to me since you were kicked out." I told my brother. Kovit finally knew who I was talking to as soon as I said, "kicked out". Kovit walked up behind me and then shook my brother's hand.

"I'm Kovit." He said with a firm grip.

"I'm Luka, ex-prince of Leven. Thank you for keeping my sister alive and protecting her." Luka said. Luka's gaze went dark as he looked back at me and saw the scars on my arms and legs and what was seen from my chest. Luka put his hand to my cheek and then made the pain immediately go away with his magic. "I'm sorry I wasn't there... I wanted it so badly to be with you. I even tried to break into the castle, but they kept trapping me and shooting arrows at me." Luka trailed off before putting his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay Luka... I'm safe now. Kovit has taken good care of me and before him, James did when he wasn't being forced to... you know..." I said. Luka nodded and I stood next to Kovit.

"We're headed to the Northern Forest. I'm sure you've heard of it." Kovit said. He seemed a little aggressive with his tone until I pinched his arm to make him be nicer. He cleared his throat before glaring at me. I lowered my head innocently.

"Actually, we are headed there! We were just going to the river to wash up." Luka said.

"We?" I asked questionably. Luka nodded before yelling for three other people to come over. Soon, three people showed up. Two boys and a girl who looked to be about my age.

"This is Leah, Ronan and Kai. Leah is half wolf spirit and part human and mermaid." Luka said. Leah stepped forwards shyly and then bowed to me.

"Pleasure to meet you, your highness." Leah said. She had long blonde hair that faded into a teal that faded into a navy blue. Her skin was pale and her eyes were the color of the sea. She was pretty fit as well although she was not much taller than me.

"Ronan is the youngest, he is half leopard spirit." Ronan proudly walked up to me and Kovit and bowed to me. He had light brown hair and tan skin with cat-like green eyes. He was sort of muscular, but he was taller than Luka. He simply wore a white shirt and black pants that were ripped at the bottom of the legs. "Kai is our defender when I can't since he can manipulate any of the four elements." Kai was a young looking man with hazel eyes that glistened in the sun. He had blackish red, wavy hair that was cut short on the sides, but long at the top. His clothes were ragged and worn out, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Your majesty." Kai said as he bowed. He looked over at Kovit and bowed his head before rising again. I noticed that Kai had a very heavy Itallian accent, sort of like Kovit's. I looked over at Kovit and he bowed his head back at Kai. I wondered if they knew each other somehow.

Luka came over to me and smiled as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Luka whispered in my ear. I was a bit shocked about the question. He never hurt me intentionally, he just didn't realize his own strength.

"Not intentionally. He is just rough sometimes, but he never means it." I said to him. Luka looked at me worryingly. I looked at him to show that I was fine. "Luka, I'm fine. Father hurt me far much worse on purpose than Kovit ever had accidently." I told my brother honestly. He sadly looked at me and hugged me close to him.

"I missed you sis." Luka told me. I smiled and tears were forming in my eyes.

"I missed you too. I just can't believe you're actually here... that we found one another again." I said. I really did think that Luka had died trying to break into the castle to get to me. I always blamed myself and therefore it made me feel a lot better to see my brother alive and mostly unharmed. Now that I think of it, I am glad that I was the one to take the beating rather than having him go through all of it. He deserves so much more than we ever had growing up.

Kovit put his hand on Luka's shoulder and looked at him with an emotionless stare. I shook my head at Kovit to tell him not to do anything stupid. He looked at me with a look that meant he understood. I relaxed before standing next to Kovit again.

"Well, since we're headed to the same place, we should all go together!" Leah said. Ronan looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah! That sounds like so much fun! Like a big friendly road trip!" Ronan exclaimed. Kai just rolled his eyes and then crossed his arms.

"That sounds like a great idea!" I said towards Luka and he nodded in response. I looked over at Kovit for his permission and he glared but then raised his eyebrows.

"Well, we're already all here, so I guess it's fine with me." Kovit told me. I bounced in happiness. He gave off a small smirk before picking me up and putting me in the back of our wagon. I suggested that Leah come with us so that us girls could get to know each other. Kovit was fine with that as long as we weren't talking about boys or anything mushy like that. I agreed reluctantly and then Leah got in the wagon and we were off with Luka in the front seat with Kovit and then their wagon hooked up to the back of ours. Their wagon contained the other two boys. We looked back and Kai leaned back with his hands behind his head and Ronan was trying to start a conversation with him, which was obviously failing.

"So what kind of magic do you have?" Leah asked. I smiled at her since someone was finally interested in learning more about me. I showed her a bit of the very little light magic that I had. I laid my hand out in front of me, palm up. White and blue smoke rose from my hand and it formed into a bunny. It hopped around and sniffed her face then it vanished into smoke. Leah smiled and then looked at me. "So you have light magic?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I have both light and dark magic, but before Luka and I were born, our father made a deal with a devil to gain himself more power. The deal was that if he got power, the devils that he spoke to could make half of our genes become devil's. However, my father didn't realize that my mother was half Devlios, meaning she had half of demon's blood and half spirit's blood. This caused Luka and I to be born mostly Devlios." I said. I guess Luka was listening because the chatter between him and Kovit had become utter silence. I then stopped talking.

"Our father wasn't too fond of our powers. HIs hatred is what separated Riverlyn and I." Luka added. Leah nodded and then it was awkward silence between the rest of us. Finally someone in the back said something.

"Hey River? You got any food in your wagon to donate to two starving people?!" Ronan yelled. His big bright smile illuminated in the setting sun. I threw them a bag of bread and Ronan caught it happily. He smiled and waved in thanks to us before sharing it with Kai. I smiled at them knowing that these guys were pretty much harmless.


Sry for a late update! I hope you guys are still with me😂


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